A man is a rape-supporter if
Post by Hellbreaker on May 21, 2011 17:02:20 GMT
I'm taking this topic out of the gear grinder thread, simply because I can. evebitfirst.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/a-man-is-a-rape-supporter-if/First off, what is this? Because I don't even. According to this article all men support annihilation unless they're homosex- oh wait, they covered that too. The article gave me a few laughs, just because of how stupid it is. For instance these points - He watches pornography in which women are depicted.Ok, so if I watch porn with a woman in it I am a rape-supporter. Ye that makes sense. If I would watch porn with anything else in it then? Be it guys, just a someone jacking off like a boss or even animals. -He tells or laughs at jokes involving women being attacked, sexually “hoodwinked,” or sexually harassed.Out goes 90% of all blonde-jokes then. Would someone really call me out as a rape-supporter if I pulled out the following joke? What do you call a blonde without a job? A virgin!-He describes female anatomy in terms of penetration, or uses terms referencing the supposed “emptiness” of female anatomy when describing women.How would I be able to describe any anatomy whatsoever in terms of penetration? Her gaze penetrated my soul? OH wait, that's not anatomy, I'm lost. -He defends these actions by saying that some women also engage in them.Yes, because saying 'Hey, you know what? Women watch porn too.' makes me a rape-supporter. I call bollocks on this article, and am actually curious about whether the author is an idiot or a troll. The author even states "I don’t typically approve comments from men, since past experience suggests that male posters attempt to dominate/intimidate/harass other commenters and (on more than one occasion) send me death threats." which to be honest only surprises me when it comes to death-threats. The author is essentially according to her mocking and degrading half of humanity based on some completely out-of-the-blue reasons. I think I should write an article called 'Black people eat at KFC if' and then list reasons such as 'They saw a KFC commercial' or 'They consider chicken food'. Then I should of course state that I don't typically approve of comments from black people, because they question me. Also- whoever was brilliant enough to set 'rape' to be filtered to 'annihilation', please consider just setting it to the normal swear filter text instead of this nonsense. Discuss.
Post by wisdomseyes1 on May 21, 2011 17:15:08 GMT
My computer blocks the actual link for "adult-mature, porn" so... that is actually quite an irony, considering the author is against porn as well.
Psychologically, it is more than likely that this person (I assume a woman) was rapped at one point in her life, and no one believed her/ she felt they didn't do enough. She now believes all men are wicked and support what happened to her.
I am actually curious as to how homosexuals are rapp supporters in this topic? I assume jail is brought up... and how all homosexuals are rappests by nature, petos, and other such non-sense. But, from the information that helly has put up, I can only see straight males being supporters of rapp.
Post by hivefleetcollossus on May 21, 2011 17:16:20 GMT
(paraphrased) "If she is high, drunk and/or under duress." What if he is too? Could that mean that the woman is raping him back? No, if they are both under the same mind altering substance, SHE is the victim.
...and I guess that makes me the Pope.
Post by lonelictor on May 21, 2011 18:31:40 GMT
This website is basically the epitome of the double standard and also the insane feminists. Its a shame these websites are around, they make the actual sane feminists look bad.
Post by canadianone on May 21, 2011 19:12:26 GMT
so wait...
"He discusses the “types” of women he finds sexually appealing and/or attempts to demean women by telling them he does not find them sexually appealing."
if some girls tells me im ugly... that is rape? i think i need a lawyer.
Post by Major Chrispy on May 21, 2011 19:46:25 GMT
Oh so going; "Wow, she was hot did you see those...." is rape huh? Guess almost all teenaged guys are going to jail...damn, and I liked the sun 0.0
Post by Tyrantor on May 21, 2011 20:00:03 GMT
Must be trollin'.
Must be.
Post by andy089 on May 21, 2011 20:36:50 GMT
I am not even going to say anything, that's how stupid it is.
Post by Alice on May 21, 2011 21:20:47 GMT
Ugh that list makes me furious!
She makes me embarrassed to be female! It's so misguided there aren't words for it.
Senseless hate-inducing. But not for men. For her!
Post by Psychichobo on May 21, 2011 23:41:33 GMT
I think basically there's a lot of ideas there about how a lot of things relate to female oppression. I get how the porn industry in general can harm vulnerable people who feel it's their only means of supporting themselves, or they're pressured into it - but then that can apply to women too.
Problem is, she's making a serious assumption there that all men are fully aware of the correlations between rape and the actions/beliefs listed, and that said men engage in these activities because they support rape.
It's really offensive (and sexist too) to claim that so many men are rapists. I get the patriarchal society thing, but still...
It's a real pity actually. She could've made some excellent points and written a clever and intelligent article.
But instead, she just writes out the provocative points, tells all men they're rapists and only gives the reasons why in a very vague fashion.
It's one hell of an opportunity lost.
Post by hivefleetcollossus on May 21, 2011 23:48:51 GMT
It kinda like "That is racist! Did you hear what the honky just said? That honky's racist!"
...but with sexism.
Post by Alice on May 22, 2011 0:39:33 GMT
Okay it's actually really upsetting that "rape" get's automatically changed to "annihilation" on this forum.
Can we get it changed? It's distasteful and inappropriate. Surely something like "abuse" or "violation" would be more suitable?
Post by t⊗theark on May 22, 2011 1:12:07 GMT
TL;DR - If a person has a ρenis, had a ρenis or is planning sometime to have a ρenis, is not castrated or lobotomized than he is a raρe supporter.
I mean if you find a chick hot for her objective physical attributes - raρe. If you tell her that you don't find her aesthetically pleasing due to her objective physical attributes - raρe.
When I was 14 I went out with a girl who was 14 thus "underaged". We had pretty young sex. I guess that means I'm a rapist. She did give consent, in fact it was her idea, but someone who uses consent as a defense is for (please do not swear) raρe! Even though the definition of annihilation is sex without consent but than I'd be agreeing with the definition of raρe which means I support it! Oh, but a 14 year old male runs on lust, not love, so he went for her for the way she looked - raρe. What she's suggesting is that I was a rapist 3 years ago!
It's also really offemsive to women. It's like saying 'Oh, women, you have been tricked by the patriarchy of our society to like Gentleman Parts". Some of the things she implies makes girls look like they have brains made of (please do not swear) tapioca! as if to imply that we don't have sexual needs makes me wonder of the stupidioty of this person who should only read a textbook of anthropology, biology, phisiology, reproduction or even a 7th grade (please do not swear) science textbook! We aren't all asexual being that have to treat our reproduction as a chore!
@ Alice - use the letter 'ρ' (rho) to get around the swear filter if you want to use the word annihilation in a serious discussion.
Post by Alice on May 22, 2011 2:07:45 GMT
I disagree with this notion that men seem to have become indoctrinated into, that suggests that 'men run on lust'.
It's too often used as an excuse for a lewd disposition, and by repeating that silly excuse to each other it's only perpetuating some of the worst traits men can display. It's like saying 'oh you can't help it, you were born that way' to a complete pervert. Actually, yes you can help it. To such men I say grow up and learn to control yourself!
Equally, it is often wrongly implied that women do not experience lust on the same level as men, which has been found to be untrue. Both sexes deal with it differently, but when men use lust as an excuse it can be quite aggravating. Women enjoy sex, and think about sex and lust over men, (I can do that all day sometimes) but don't seem to feel the need to resort to "oh I can't help it my brain is in my knickers" or "I'm programmed to want sex" to excuse their behaviour. In wild animals, the drive to find a mate is just as strong in females as it is in males, and humans aren't that much different.
Both sexes understand and feel both lust and love the same way, it's just that people don't expect women to be so brazen about it. And we're generally not, but it's probably a good thing.
Post by t⊗theark on May 22, 2011 5:01:58 GMT
I never said men run on lust. Teenagers (young male ) run on lust. Now really, there are perverts and there are teenagers. Ultimately - yes, we are programmed to have sex. I need oxygen, I need food, I need clean, I need orgasm. I think it's really fundamental, we are built to want to hump. there is a sexual need and acknowledging that we are built to want to hump doesn't make someone a raρe supporter.
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