Post by tylertt on Nov 10, 2012 14:55:10 GMT
Hey guys, so my friends and I started back into 40k and my units are finally starting to come in. I am still waiting on my huge order to come in with the core of the fleet, but for now I have a battle force and a few others.
So here goes for my first Batrep on here.
Any and all feedback is welcome. Including tips on deployment, tactics, etc. (Please!)
It my was 'Nids vs the Dark Eldar
My list:
Hive Tyrant (Armored Shell, Devs, Hive commander, Regeneration)
X2 Zoanthropes (Not in a unit together.)
X15 Termagaunts
X16 Termagaunts
X16 Hormagaunts
Doom of Malantai (Spore'd)
X1 Biovore
X3 Spore Mines
X12 Genestealers
The Dark Eldar List:
X7 Reaver Bikes
X2 Ravagers (One with Dark Lances, one with Disintegrators)
X3 Warrior Squads (One mounted in Raider, 10 per squad)
X1 Raider
X1 Scourges (x2 Dark Lances)
1000 Point Match
On my side of the field I have a large ruined building piece on the back left corner, large jungle section to the left, a small jungle section in the back middle, and a jungle fortification piece in the front center.
On my opponents side of the field was a factory silo stations (3 can sized pieces) on the right, and a small rock wall in front of it. On the left side was a large boulder pile.
In the middle was a section of fencing.
Hammer and Anvil
(Our playing space was a bit shorter then 4x6, so only 18" in the middle section)
Spore mines deployed mostly in the middle of his deployment area unfortunately thanks to my (un)lucky rolls.
My Biovore started in the back ruins safely in cover, with one Zoanthrope in the back middle jungle terrain to provide synapse for the Biovore. To the front on the right I deployed 16 Termagaunts along with the hive Tyrant More towards the middle front jungle fortification. The Hormagaunts and second Zoanthrope started in the Left hand large jungle terrain. The 15 Termagaunts started in the middle just a little bit to the left of the jungle fortification.
The Dark Eldar started with the raider in the near back almost behind the right factory cans. There was one squad of warriors ahead of the can terrain, and scourges behind them to the left a little bit. In the middle the reavers started front and center with the Haemoculus. To the back middle had the Disintegrator ravager, and the dark lance ravager in the back left behind the boulder, with a warrior squad in front of it.
Unfortunately for my Genestealers there was no successful spot to infiltrate in other them just in front of the Termagaunts And hive tyrant on the right.
We rolled 4 objectives in total.
One objective started in the ruins beside the Biovore, and the second on my side was behind the center jungle piece. The two dark Eldar objectives were placed with one behind the factory cans, and another behind the boulder.
I had first turn but he attempted to steal but only rolled a 4 thankfully.
Tyranids Turn 1:
Started the turn off with my spore mines. This began my bad luck streak of the match. One spore mine ran into another mine and was removed from play. The other two mines came just short of 1" of his front warriors and scourges on the right. So with that out of the way I moved the Hormagaunts completely into the jungle terrain to give them their cover save. The Zoanthrope beside the Hormagaunts moved up in front of the jungle. The middle Termagaunts advanced to just beside the fence in the middle of the field. The hive tyrant, Genestealers, and the Termagaunts on the right moved up the right side of the field. the back center Zoanthrope advanced a little forward of the jungle piece.
Now for the shooting. My left side Zoanthrope shot at the warriors on the right and killed 3 with his warp blast. The hive tyrant killed 3 warriors (all that we're in range). The Biovore shot for the scourges but missed horrible landing a mine behind them, and almost beside the raider.
The Genestealers assaulted the warriors on the right thanks to a 6" run and 11" charge move. The Genestealers lost one to overmatch and killed the warriors before they had a chance to attack back. End of Tyranids turn 1.
Dark Eldar Turn 1:
The Dark Eldar moved the warriors on the left side up towards the Zoanthrope into rapid fire range. The Haemoculus moved over towards the front of the left side boulder in the back, and the raider retreated along the back table edge to avoid the spore mine. The reavers moved towards the Zoanthrope in the back middle. The Ravager in the middle moved up and angled enough to make the shot on all spire mines. The back left ravager moved up the back left hand side to the left side of the boulder.
The warriors on the left shot the jungle side Zoanthrope and killed him easily thanks to the high shot volume. The scourges fired at the hive Tyrant with their Dark Lances and missed with both shots! The ravager with the Disintegrator took out all 3 spore mines which hit nothing upon exploding. The Haemoculus fired at the hive tyrant (he had some sort of sniper weapon), but the Tyrant passed the save. The reavers attacked the back middle Zoanthrope with their bladevanes. They landed at the back middle of my deployment, and killed the Zoanthrope with ease.
This was the downfall of me as you will see, I have lost control of my rotten Biovore who I was so excited to test out...
Tyranids Turn 2:
I tried to see if doom arrived, and of course even with the hive commander bonus i rolled a 1. I rolled for synapse For the biovore and he failed miserably. So he hid in the ruins for the majority of the match. I then rolled for synapse for the Hormagaunts and they failed, and they Moved towards the reaver bikes to feed. The Genestealers and the Termagaunts continued their advance with the hive tyrant on the right hand side. The Termagaunts in the middle advanced forward as well.
The hive tyrant fired at the scourges and was only in range of two, which thankfully were both dark lance models! He took them out with ease. The Genestealers ran forward along with the Termagaunts.
The Hormagaunts charged at the reavers but failed the charge and lost one to overwatch.
Dark Eldar Turn 2:
The scourges moved back towards the middle ravager, and the ravager with the Disintegrator then moved to the right of the boulder. The raider moved beside this ravager as well. The warriors on the left side moved towards the middle Termagaunts. The Haemoculus stayed still.
Both ravagers, and the raider fired all at the hive tyrant and inflicted a single wound. The Haemoculus also fired but missed. The warriors killed 11 gaunts in the middle. The reavers used the bladevanes once again (such a irritating thing to deal with at times!), this time on the Hormagaunts, killing all of them. They ended up beside the warriors on the left side. The scourges fired upon the Genestealers killing 5 of them.
Tyranids Turn 3:
This time the Doom arrived. His spore landed just behind the ravager and warriors on the left of the boulder. Doom came out beside the warriors and was close enough to leach them and the Haemoculus. The Genestealers and Termagaunts continued their advance up Thea right hand side of the field. The hive tyrant moved over to the left beside the fence in the middle of the field. The Biovore failed synapse again and hid once more. The middle Termagaunts moved up towards the warriors.
Doom leached 2 wounds from the warriors and did not affect the Haemoculus. I took a risk and fasted Dooms cataclysm and placed the blast so it hit the raider, and ravager both. I made a glancing and missed the ravager by 1! Definitely not the best. Result. I then fired with the Hive tyrant and exploded the raider killing 3 passengers and one scourge. The middle Termagaunts shot at the warriors on the left and made a single wound. The spore tried to hit the ravager as it was facing its rear armor. It missed horribly.
Dark Eldar Turn 3:
The warriors from the raider ran back towards the boulder objective as it was this point that we realized that neither of us held a single objective! He was winning thanks to first blood. The Haemoculus moved Away from doom, as did the warriors. The reavers moved over to the middle area to the right of the big jungle piece to get in place to bladevane the tyrant.
The Haemoculus fired at Doom but had no wounds. The Disintegrator cannon fired at the Genestealers and managed one kill. The dark lance ravager killed doom with instant death as he was down to 4 wounds from cataclysm. the warriors on the left killed a few more Termagaunts from the middle as well.
Tyranids Turn 4:
Biovore again failed his test and hid even longer. The Genestealers and Termagaunts moved up once more on the right, and the middle gaunts failed their synapse. The hive tyrant moved up once again in the middle.
Termagaunts fired at the warriors as they were the closest unit to them. They killed only one warrior. The Tyrant then fired at the dark lance ravager, managing to get 7 hits..... Needing a 5 to glance and 6 for pen, I rolled one 2, one 4, and the rest were 1s!! The worst roll of the game I think!
Dark Eldar Turn 4:
The two ravagers moved into place to both fire upon the hive tyrant. The warriors on the left moved up on the left side again. The warriors in the back moved towards the objective and took control of it. The scourges moved behind the ravagers.
The ravagers fired upon the hive tyrant reducing him to only one wound (all of regen saves failed for each turn as I forgot to mention). The warriors reduced the Termagaunts down to only two in the middle. The Haemoculus fired at the tyrant and he made his save. The reavers then bladevaned the tyrant and he also made all of his saves once again.
Tyranids Turn 5:
The tyranid moved up towards the ravager. The Genestealers moved towards the reavers as they cut off movement of the Termagaunts. The Biovore once again failing his synapse.
The Termagaunts on the right took out one Reaver bike.The gaunts in the middle took another warrior down on the left.
The tyrant then charged the ravager with the dark lances and destroyed it. He then consolidated towards the Haemoculus. The Genestealers also assaulted the reavers and lost one to overwatch, and then won the assault by 4 wounds to 1. The Genestealers wiped out the reavers.
Dark Eldar Turn 5:
The warriors on the objective moved over enough to shoot at the tyrant. The warriors on the left did not move, and the Haemoculus remained still.
The Haemoculus fired at the tyrant and missed. The warriors on the left killed the Termagaunts. The warriors by the objective then fired upon the tyrant and he failed a single save, killing him. The ravager killed off the Genestealers.
We then rolled for turn 6.... And got it!
Current Score:
Dark Eldar - 5 (Objective - 3VP, First Blood - 1VP, Slay the Warlord - 1VP)
Tyranids - 0
Tyranids Turn 6:
Wouldn't you know it! The Biovore passed synapse, along with the Termagaunts. The gaunts moved toward the factory can objective, and the Biovore moved out to fire.
The Biovore killed all but 4 of the warriors on the boulder objective. They passed pinning and morale as well! The gaunts ran towards the objective, but we're still 5" away.
Dark Eldar Turn 6:
The ravager moved up and fired at the Biovore but only landed 1 wound. The Termagaunts being behind the factory cans were not in sight.
We rolled for turn 7, and YES we got it!
Tyranids turn 7:
And of course, the Biovore passed synapse, but the gaunts failed. Thankfully they moved in between the factory cans giving them enough movement to take the objective!
Biovore killed 3 more! But it scattered so the remaining warrior was still on the objective!!!
Dark Eldar Turn 7:
The ravager finished off the Biovore, and his warriors were too far away to make a shot on the gaunts. The Haemoculus killed one however, being the first loss they took of the match.
Final Score
Dark Eldar - 5 VP (Objective - 3VP, First Blood - 1VP, Slay the Warlord - 1VP)
Tyranids - 4 VP (Objective - 3VP, Linebreaker - 1VP)
It was a super close match. I know in terms of deployment I could have positioned the Zoanthropes a bit better to keep the Biovore going, and also to make them less of a easy target right off the go. Overall I still need some practice but once my terv, Trygon, and other units arrive we will see how I do then with more variety!
Any feedback is appreciated guys! Will try and do some pictures next match we play!
So here goes for my first Batrep on here.
Any and all feedback is welcome. Including tips on deployment, tactics, etc. (Please!)
It my was 'Nids vs the Dark Eldar
My list:
Hive Tyrant (Armored Shell, Devs, Hive commander, Regeneration)
X2 Zoanthropes (Not in a unit together.)
X15 Termagaunts
X16 Termagaunts
X16 Hormagaunts
Doom of Malantai (Spore'd)
X1 Biovore
X3 Spore Mines
X12 Genestealers
The Dark Eldar List:
X7 Reaver Bikes
X2 Ravagers (One with Dark Lances, one with Disintegrators)
X3 Warrior Squads (One mounted in Raider, 10 per squad)
X1 Raider
X1 Scourges (x2 Dark Lances)
1000 Point Match
On my side of the field I have a large ruined building piece on the back left corner, large jungle section to the left, a small jungle section in the back middle, and a jungle fortification piece in the front center.
On my opponents side of the field was a factory silo stations (3 can sized pieces) on the right, and a small rock wall in front of it. On the left side was a large boulder pile.
In the middle was a section of fencing.
Hammer and Anvil
(Our playing space was a bit shorter then 4x6, so only 18" in the middle section)
Spore mines deployed mostly in the middle of his deployment area unfortunately thanks to my (un)lucky rolls.
My Biovore started in the back ruins safely in cover, with one Zoanthrope in the back middle jungle terrain to provide synapse for the Biovore. To the front on the right I deployed 16 Termagaunts along with the hive Tyrant More towards the middle front jungle fortification. The Hormagaunts and second Zoanthrope started in the Left hand large jungle terrain. The 15 Termagaunts started in the middle just a little bit to the left of the jungle fortification.
The Dark Eldar started with the raider in the near back almost behind the right factory cans. There was one squad of warriors ahead of the can terrain, and scourges behind them to the left a little bit. In the middle the reavers started front and center with the Haemoculus. To the back middle had the Disintegrator ravager, and the dark lance ravager in the back left behind the boulder, with a warrior squad in front of it.
Unfortunately for my Genestealers there was no successful spot to infiltrate in other them just in front of the Termagaunts And hive tyrant on the right.
We rolled 4 objectives in total.
One objective started in the ruins beside the Biovore, and the second on my side was behind the center jungle piece. The two dark Eldar objectives were placed with one behind the factory cans, and another behind the boulder.
I had first turn but he attempted to steal but only rolled a 4 thankfully.
Tyranids Turn 1:
Started the turn off with my spore mines. This began my bad luck streak of the match. One spore mine ran into another mine and was removed from play. The other two mines came just short of 1" of his front warriors and scourges on the right. So with that out of the way I moved the Hormagaunts completely into the jungle terrain to give them their cover save. The Zoanthrope beside the Hormagaunts moved up in front of the jungle. The middle Termagaunts advanced to just beside the fence in the middle of the field. The hive tyrant, Genestealers, and the Termagaunts on the right moved up the right side of the field. the back center Zoanthrope advanced a little forward of the jungle piece.
Now for the shooting. My left side Zoanthrope shot at the warriors on the right and killed 3 with his warp blast. The hive tyrant killed 3 warriors (all that we're in range). The Biovore shot for the scourges but missed horrible landing a mine behind them, and almost beside the raider.
The Genestealers assaulted the warriors on the right thanks to a 6" run and 11" charge move. The Genestealers lost one to overmatch and killed the warriors before they had a chance to attack back. End of Tyranids turn 1.
Dark Eldar Turn 1:
The Dark Eldar moved the warriors on the left side up towards the Zoanthrope into rapid fire range. The Haemoculus moved over towards the front of the left side boulder in the back, and the raider retreated along the back table edge to avoid the spore mine. The reavers moved towards the Zoanthrope in the back middle. The Ravager in the middle moved up and angled enough to make the shot on all spire mines. The back left ravager moved up the back left hand side to the left side of the boulder.
The warriors on the left shot the jungle side Zoanthrope and killed him easily thanks to the high shot volume. The scourges fired at the hive Tyrant with their Dark Lances and missed with both shots! The ravager with the Disintegrator took out all 3 spore mines which hit nothing upon exploding. The Haemoculus fired at the hive tyrant (he had some sort of sniper weapon), but the Tyrant passed the save. The reavers attacked the back middle Zoanthrope with their bladevanes. They landed at the back middle of my deployment, and killed the Zoanthrope with ease.
This was the downfall of me as you will see, I have lost control of my rotten Biovore who I was so excited to test out...
Tyranids Turn 2:
I tried to see if doom arrived, and of course even with the hive commander bonus i rolled a 1. I rolled for synapse For the biovore and he failed miserably. So he hid in the ruins for the majority of the match. I then rolled for synapse for the Hormagaunts and they failed, and they Moved towards the reaver bikes to feed. The Genestealers and the Termagaunts continued their advance with the hive tyrant on the right hand side. The Termagaunts in the middle advanced forward as well.
The hive tyrant fired at the scourges and was only in range of two, which thankfully were both dark lance models! He took them out with ease. The Genestealers ran forward along with the Termagaunts.
The Hormagaunts charged at the reavers but failed the charge and lost one to overwatch.
Dark Eldar Turn 2:
The scourges moved back towards the middle ravager, and the ravager with the Disintegrator then moved to the right of the boulder. The raider moved beside this ravager as well. The warriors on the left side moved towards the middle Termagaunts. The Haemoculus stayed still.
Both ravagers, and the raider fired all at the hive tyrant and inflicted a single wound. The Haemoculus also fired but missed. The warriors killed 11 gaunts in the middle. The reavers used the bladevanes once again (such a irritating thing to deal with at times!), this time on the Hormagaunts, killing all of them. They ended up beside the warriors on the left side. The scourges fired upon the Genestealers killing 5 of them.
Tyranids Turn 3:
This time the Doom arrived. His spore landed just behind the ravager and warriors on the left of the boulder. Doom came out beside the warriors and was close enough to leach them and the Haemoculus. The Genestealers and Termagaunts continued their advance up Thea right hand side of the field. The hive tyrant moved over to the left beside the fence in the middle of the field. The Biovore failed synapse again and hid once more. The middle Termagaunts moved up towards the warriors.
Doom leached 2 wounds from the warriors and did not affect the Haemoculus. I took a risk and fasted Dooms cataclysm and placed the blast so it hit the raider, and ravager both. I made a glancing and missed the ravager by 1! Definitely not the best. Result. I then fired with the Hive tyrant and exploded the raider killing 3 passengers and one scourge. The middle Termagaunts shot at the warriors on the left and made a single wound. The spore tried to hit the ravager as it was facing its rear armor. It missed horribly.
Dark Eldar Turn 3:
The warriors from the raider ran back towards the boulder objective as it was this point that we realized that neither of us held a single objective! He was winning thanks to first blood. The Haemoculus moved Away from doom, as did the warriors. The reavers moved over to the middle area to the right of the big jungle piece to get in place to bladevane the tyrant.
The Haemoculus fired at Doom but had no wounds. The Disintegrator cannon fired at the Genestealers and managed one kill. The dark lance ravager killed doom with instant death as he was down to 4 wounds from cataclysm. the warriors on the left killed a few more Termagaunts from the middle as well.
Tyranids Turn 4:
Biovore again failed his test and hid even longer. The Genestealers and Termagaunts moved up once more on the right, and the middle gaunts failed their synapse. The hive tyrant moved up once again in the middle.
Termagaunts fired at the warriors as they were the closest unit to them. They killed only one warrior. The Tyrant then fired at the dark lance ravager, managing to get 7 hits..... Needing a 5 to glance and 6 for pen, I rolled one 2, one 4, and the rest were 1s!! The worst roll of the game I think!
Dark Eldar Turn 4:
The two ravagers moved into place to both fire upon the hive tyrant. The warriors on the left moved up on the left side again. The warriors in the back moved towards the objective and took control of it. The scourges moved behind the ravagers.
The ravagers fired upon the hive tyrant reducing him to only one wound (all of regen saves failed for each turn as I forgot to mention). The warriors reduced the Termagaunts down to only two in the middle. The Haemoculus fired at the tyrant and he made his save. The reavers then bladevaned the tyrant and he also made all of his saves once again.
Tyranids Turn 5:
The tyranid moved up towards the ravager. The Genestealers moved towards the reavers as they cut off movement of the Termagaunts. The Biovore once again failing his synapse.
The Termagaunts on the right took out one Reaver bike.The gaunts in the middle took another warrior down on the left.
The tyrant then charged the ravager with the dark lances and destroyed it. He then consolidated towards the Haemoculus. The Genestealers also assaulted the reavers and lost one to overwatch, and then won the assault by 4 wounds to 1. The Genestealers wiped out the reavers.
Dark Eldar Turn 5:
The warriors on the objective moved over enough to shoot at the tyrant. The warriors on the left did not move, and the Haemoculus remained still.
The Haemoculus fired at the tyrant and missed. The warriors on the left killed the Termagaunts. The warriors by the objective then fired upon the tyrant and he failed a single save, killing him. The ravager killed off the Genestealers.
We then rolled for turn 6.... And got it!
Current Score:
Dark Eldar - 5 (Objective - 3VP, First Blood - 1VP, Slay the Warlord - 1VP)
Tyranids - 0
Tyranids Turn 6:
Wouldn't you know it! The Biovore passed synapse, along with the Termagaunts. The gaunts moved toward the factory can objective, and the Biovore moved out to fire.
The Biovore killed all but 4 of the warriors on the boulder objective. They passed pinning and morale as well! The gaunts ran towards the objective, but we're still 5" away.
Dark Eldar Turn 6:
The ravager moved up and fired at the Biovore but only landed 1 wound. The Termagaunts being behind the factory cans were not in sight.
We rolled for turn 7, and YES we got it!
Tyranids turn 7:
And of course, the Biovore passed synapse, but the gaunts failed. Thankfully they moved in between the factory cans giving them enough movement to take the objective!
Biovore killed 3 more! But it scattered so the remaining warrior was still on the objective!!!
Dark Eldar Turn 7:
The ravager finished off the Biovore, and his warriors were too far away to make a shot on the gaunts. The Haemoculus killed one however, being the first loss they took of the match.
Final Score
Dark Eldar - 5 VP (Objective - 3VP, First Blood - 1VP, Slay the Warlord - 1VP)
Tyranids - 4 VP (Objective - 3VP, Linebreaker - 1VP)
It was a super close match. I know in terms of deployment I could have positioned the Zoanthropes a bit better to keep the Biovore going, and also to make them less of a easy target right off the go. Overall I still need some practice but once my terv, Trygon, and other units arrive we will see how I do then with more variety!
Any feedback is appreciated guys! Will try and do some pictures next match we play!