Post by l0rdf1end on Aug 31, 2012 13:04:34 GMT
So this is Batrep number 3.
I played Eldrad with Wriath Guard and bikers which I won.
I played Paladins with Driago and Coteaz with IG allies and lost.
So before this I'm 1-1.
My opponent is DE and I'm further testing my Broodlord spam with a few variations for testing purposes.
I had no idea what I was playing before making a few changes to my list.
Very pleased I was going to get the chance to play DE when he showed me his list because I know that's normally a bad matchup for Nids.
My Opponent:
Dark Eldar:
Asdrubael Vect + dais of destruction
Archon + Agoniser
Kabalite Trueborn x9 / splinter cannon x2 / Dracon + pwr wep
+3 shard carbines
Kabalite warriors x9 Sybarite
Kabalite warriors x10 Sybarite
Kabalite warriors x10 Sybarite
Raider / splinter racks/ Night shields/ flickerfield
Raider / splinter racks/ Night shields/ flickerfield
Raider / splinter racks/ Night shields/ flickerfield
Heavy support
Ravager / night shields / flickerfield
Ravager / night shields / flickerfield
Flyrant Devx2
Flyrant Devx2
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
Harpy TL Stranglethorn Cannon
Mission = Crusade
Deployment = Hammer and Anvil
Objectives = 4
Nightfighting = We forgot to roll.
WarLord Traits:
I think he rolled Furious charge for HQ within 3" of objectives.
I rolled under Strategic which gave him -1 modifier to his reserves.
Neither helped us in this game.
I rolled up my pyschic Powers.
I went Telekenesis on the Broodlords:
BL1 = Gate + Objuration Mechanicum
BL2 = Crush + Objuration Mechanicum
BL3 = Gate + Objuration Mechanicum.
BL4 = Gate + Objuration Mechanicum.
BL5 = Gate + Dome
4x Objuration Mechanicum!!
I then went Biomancy on the Flyrants (Should've gone for Telekenesis here also).
Warlord Flyrant = Iron Arm + Warp Speed
Other Flyrant = Enfeeble + Haem.
We placed Objectives.
I rolled high for deployment choosing right table edge and chose to go first.
I deploy and then DE deploys, I then Infiltrate all stealers, the aim is to get my Broodlords just in range of his 13AV all around tank hoping to kill it first turn.
He tried to Seize on a 4+ (Yeah, i didn't know about this before) and failed rolling a 1...phew.
Turn 1
I start with my pyschic powers.
I pass Iron Arm on the Flyrant giving him +1 STR/Toughness.
I use Objuration Mechanicum 4 times on his 13 AV Raider.
I fail once and one other is saved with his Invuln (Can he do that?)
The other 2 go passed Deny the Witch and Inuvuln to score a hull point each.
Was really hoping to kill that...
I then move all of my units forward, the Harpy at the bottom into some cover, Orange Stealers in central cover and everything else at the top as far forward as it will go.
Flyrants Swoop forward.
I shoot the centre Ravager in the group below with TL stranglethorn cannon (Yes, I know, pointless). I shouldn't have placed my Harpy at the bottom of the board in deployment.
I hit and fail to glance.
All Stealers run.
Blue base Flyrant fires into the Raider containing Archon (very top) and scores 2 Pens and 3 glances! 1 Pen and 1 Glance is saved, the others go through wrecking his Raider.
I then take my chance with the second Flyrant and shoot into the pink unit and Archon which fell out of the wrecked Raider.
I score 6 precision shots! and 3 normal.
I place all precision shots on his Archon and they all wound!
The Archon dies, he makes 2 wound saves on the squad.
First Blood to the Nids!
Turn 1
Dark Eldar:
He moves all of his Ravagers/Raisers into position to deal with the incoming onslaught from my Flyrants and Stealers.
Pink Warriors Rapid Fire into blue ased Flyrant.
He scores 3 hits, 1 wounds.
I make my Grounded test and the save!
Ravager 1 shoots into Green Base Flyrant and nothing hits.
Raider 3 shoots into Orange Stealers, they go to ground but loose 4 Stealers including the Broodlord. (I need better positioning next time to keep the Broodlord alive, the reason I placed them there was to give him something else to concentrate fire on).
Raider at the top next, It shoots everything into the Green based Flyrant. He passes his grounding check! But takes a wound.
Up next is Vect, everything again into the wounded Flyrant.
He fails his Grounded test but a 1 is rolled to wound him!
He takes an auto wound from a Lance and fails a remaining regular save.
He's now on 1 wound and Grounded.
Next, the Large Blast from Vect.
He scores a hit over the Grounded Flyrant and takes out 2 normal stealers in the process. Flyrant Warlord bites the dust.
Score = 1-1
Turn 2
I fail to bring in DeathLeaper from reserves.
I start firing my Objurations again into Vect.
First goes through but I roll a 1 on the Haywire table.
Second goes through Deny and Invuln and adds another hull point wrecking Vect's Ravager.
I have 2 Oburation Mechanicums left.
I try casting one on Vects's Squad, he dnies the Witch.
I try the same again on the remaining. It goes throguh effectivley killing his overwatch for assault.
Flyrant casts Enfeeble on the pink Squad which passes.
Flyrant glides up a touch ready to charge Pink Warriors.
All Stealers move up as much as possible.
Harpy (lol) tries to keep the Ravagers amused by firing TL stranglethorn cannon at one of them again, hits and fails to glance.
Flyrant fires into pink Warriors leaving 4 dead.
They pass their morale at -1.
Flyrant tries to assault into pink, nothing from overwatch, I then roll double 1's for the charge not making it.
White and green Stealers make it into Vect squad. (no wounds from overwatch).
Blue makes it to Pink squad.
Black fail.
Lots of pink Warriors die.
I lose 4 normal Stealers to Vect.
Broodlords and stealers eat most of his unit and everything sticks due to fearless.
Score = 2-1 (I have first blood and currently line breaker to his 1 for Warlord).
Turn 2
Dark Eldar:
"So much bloodshed already" was the phrase..
He moves his top Raider back and checks range to the Flyrant.
(I think I understand why he deployed so close now. I think he wanted to Seize and ensure range for everything into my Nids).
He checks range from the 2 Ravagers and Raider together also against the Stealers in the open and the Flyrant, decides not to move those and move straight on to shooting.
This is where the failed charge kills my Flyrant.
He starts with the Raider at the top into the Flyrant.
He knocks up 6 saveable wounds.
I roll my saves and only make 2 of them, Flyrant falls.
The 2 Ravagers then nuke the black Stealers out in the open between them.
The remaining Raider then finishes off the orange stealers trying to hold the objective.
Blue stealers finish the remaining Warrior and consolidate towards the Raider at the top.
Vect then kills 2 Stealers.
White Broodlord totally pummels Dracon.
Broodlord in Green unit then strikes Vect scoring 2 saveable wounds.
He decides to use his Invuln save and fails the first save lol rolling a 1. (That kinda balances out with my number 2 Flyrant loss).
The rest of the Stealers then proceed to eat him. All consolidate towards the top Raider.
Turn 3
So I picked up Slay the Warlord last turn so as things stand I'm 3-1 not counting objectives.
My Deathleaper comes in. I place him directly behind the Raider at the top.
The plan being that I have 3 Broodlords left with Objuration Mechanicum, if they fail to blow up the Raider I have him as fallback.
I cast my Objurations,
He saves one with Invuln
1 Broodlord Perils rolling double 6's
The last knocks off a hull point.
Not really hat I wanted...
Swoop the Harpy up behind the Ravagers.
Stealers all move up towards the Raider.
Leaper does one hull point more into the back of the Raider.
I declare charge with the Blue Stealers first, overwatch kills none and they fail their charge.
I make it into the raider with White and green stealers.
The Stealers socre the remaining glance on the Raiser and the Warriors disembark.
Turn 3
Dark Eldar:
Raider moves up and sits on the Objective where all the carnage has occurred.
1 Ravager moves up behind and the other moves around the back of the building to kill the DeathLeaper.
Raider rapid fires into the blue Stealers in the open killing them all.
Death Leaper takes a Dark Lance to the face vapourising him.
Ravager behind the Raider shoots at the harpy and fails to score a hit.
His Green Squad of Warriors then totally anihilates the Green squad of Stealers with some harsh point blank rapid fire.
He decides not to charge my remaining Broodlord and Stealer.
Turn 4
Not much left to do here.
Harpy passes synpase and Swoops up in front of the Ravager to the left.
(My plan at this stage is to contest his only currently to be held Objective)
Harpy tries to land a shot on the Ravager but missed completely.
Stealer+Broodlord charge and take 0 overwatch wounds.
Broodlord causes 1 Rend and one normal save.
He saves the wound.
Stealer then manages to do 4 normal wounds causign 2 more deaths.
He does no wounds in return and passes Morale.
Turn 4
Dark Eldar:
Hi reaminign Raider swings round the corner of the building and Warriors Disembark just behind the combat.
Ravager swings round behind it.
Its now that I'm informed Raiders have ramps and he can assault me this turn.
Ravager 1 is angled to get shots off on the Harpy which miss completely.
In Assault he throws his orange squad into my Remaining Broodlord and Stealer.
I decide to kill some orange guys and go first with Broodlord and Stealer. I manage to do 1 ap2 wound and one more with the stealer which gets saved.
He managed 2 wounds on my Broodlord, both aren't saved leaving him on 1.
I loose by 1 and roll a 9 just hanging in there.
Turn 5
What a crazy game.
I take a look at the board and think to myself I'm not sure I can survive much longer. But, both his scoring units are left in combat and if I can hold on in there this could be game to the Nids.
I Swoop the Harpy over to the Objective where the ravager sits.
I try to land a shot with the Stranglethorn cannon on his reamining raider hitting but not scoring a glance.
Broodlords scores a rending wound, Stealer causes 2 wounds and both are saved.
He fails to score a single wound!!
Trun 5
Dark Eldar:
He moves his Ravagers over to the objective to take on the Harpy and turns his remaining Raider to face the Harpy.
Ravager 1 snapfires and fails to score a hit.
Ravager 2 also fails to score a hit on the harpy!
Raider next, also fails to do a single hit
My opponents then says "flyers are broke "
Broodlord swings first and causes 3 normal wounds, 1 of which is saved.
Stealer follows up and strikes a rend and a normal wound which isnt saved.
His fight back kills the Stealer.
I now have just a Broodlord and a Harpy left on the table.
He passes both Morales.
We roll for the game to continue and it ends, phew.
What a game and somehow I had managed to win 3-1 with no objectives held.
I learnt a lot again, luck I think evened out in this game.
DeathLeaper doesn't seem to be that useful. I need more Stealers and i need that all important 6th unit of Broodlord/Stealers back.
I think i'll keep the Harpy in the list for now for contesting purposes but I really failed to get any decent use out of it.
I should've had the Harpy going down the otherside of the board with the Flyrants and using her large blast on the units.
Although considering I'm aiming to be in combat with whats available I may have limited use for her late game.
I will test further.
Victory for the Nids.
I played Eldrad with Wriath Guard and bikers which I won.
I played Paladins with Driago and Coteaz with IG allies and lost.
So before this I'm 1-1.
My opponent is DE and I'm further testing my Broodlord spam with a few variations for testing purposes.
I had no idea what I was playing before making a few changes to my list.
Very pleased I was going to get the chance to play DE when he showed me his list because I know that's normally a bad matchup for Nids.
My Opponent:
Dark Eldar:
Asdrubael Vect + dais of destruction
Archon + Agoniser
Kabalite Trueborn x9 / splinter cannon x2 / Dracon + pwr wep
+3 shard carbines
Kabalite warriors x9 Sybarite
Kabalite warriors x10 Sybarite
Kabalite warriors x10 Sybarite
Raider / splinter racks/ Night shields/ flickerfield
Raider / splinter racks/ Night shields/ flickerfield
Raider / splinter racks/ Night shields/ flickerfield
Heavy support
Ravager / night shields / flickerfield
Ravager / night shields / flickerfield
Flyrant Devx2
Flyrant Devx2
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
6 Genestealer/Broodlord+TS/ST
Harpy TL Stranglethorn Cannon
Mission = Crusade
Deployment = Hammer and Anvil
Objectives = 4
Nightfighting = We forgot to roll.
WarLord Traits:
I think he rolled Furious charge for HQ within 3" of objectives.
I rolled under Strategic which gave him -1 modifier to his reserves.
Neither helped us in this game.
I rolled up my pyschic Powers.
I went Telekenesis on the Broodlords:
BL1 = Gate + Objuration Mechanicum
BL2 = Crush + Objuration Mechanicum
BL3 = Gate + Objuration Mechanicum.
BL4 = Gate + Objuration Mechanicum.
BL5 = Gate + Dome
4x Objuration Mechanicum!!
I then went Biomancy on the Flyrants (Should've gone for Telekenesis here also).
Warlord Flyrant = Iron Arm + Warp Speed
Other Flyrant = Enfeeble + Haem.
We placed Objectives.
I rolled high for deployment choosing right table edge and chose to go first.
I deploy and then DE deploys, I then Infiltrate all stealers, the aim is to get my Broodlords just in range of his 13AV all around tank hoping to kill it first turn.
He tried to Seize on a 4+ (Yeah, i didn't know about this before) and failed rolling a 1...phew.
Turn 1
I start with my pyschic powers.
I pass Iron Arm on the Flyrant giving him +1 STR/Toughness.
I use Objuration Mechanicum 4 times on his 13 AV Raider.
I fail once and one other is saved with his Invuln (Can he do that?)
The other 2 go passed Deny the Witch and Inuvuln to score a hull point each.
Was really hoping to kill that...
I then move all of my units forward, the Harpy at the bottom into some cover, Orange Stealers in central cover and everything else at the top as far forward as it will go.
Flyrants Swoop forward.
I shoot the centre Ravager in the group below with TL stranglethorn cannon (Yes, I know, pointless). I shouldn't have placed my Harpy at the bottom of the board in deployment.
I hit and fail to glance.
All Stealers run.
Blue base Flyrant fires into the Raider containing Archon (very top) and scores 2 Pens and 3 glances! 1 Pen and 1 Glance is saved, the others go through wrecking his Raider.
I then take my chance with the second Flyrant and shoot into the pink unit and Archon which fell out of the wrecked Raider.
I score 6 precision shots! and 3 normal.
I place all precision shots on his Archon and they all wound!
The Archon dies, he makes 2 wound saves on the squad.
First Blood to the Nids!
Turn 1
Dark Eldar:
He moves all of his Ravagers/Raisers into position to deal with the incoming onslaught from my Flyrants and Stealers.
Pink Warriors Rapid Fire into blue ased Flyrant.
He scores 3 hits, 1 wounds.
I make my Grounded test and the save!
Ravager 1 shoots into Green Base Flyrant and nothing hits.
Raider 3 shoots into Orange Stealers, they go to ground but loose 4 Stealers including the Broodlord. (I need better positioning next time to keep the Broodlord alive, the reason I placed them there was to give him something else to concentrate fire on).
Raider at the top next, It shoots everything into the Green based Flyrant. He passes his grounding check! But takes a wound.
Up next is Vect, everything again into the wounded Flyrant.
He fails his Grounded test but a 1 is rolled to wound him!
He takes an auto wound from a Lance and fails a remaining regular save.
He's now on 1 wound and Grounded.
Next, the Large Blast from Vect.
He scores a hit over the Grounded Flyrant and takes out 2 normal stealers in the process. Flyrant Warlord bites the dust.
Score = 1-1
Turn 2
I fail to bring in DeathLeaper from reserves.
I start firing my Objurations again into Vect.
First goes through but I roll a 1 on the Haywire table.
Second goes through Deny and Invuln and adds another hull point wrecking Vect's Ravager.
I have 2 Oburation Mechanicums left.
I try casting one on Vects's Squad, he dnies the Witch.
I try the same again on the remaining. It goes throguh effectivley killing his overwatch for assault.
Flyrant casts Enfeeble on the pink Squad which passes.
Flyrant glides up a touch ready to charge Pink Warriors.
All Stealers move up as much as possible.
Harpy (lol) tries to keep the Ravagers amused by firing TL stranglethorn cannon at one of them again, hits and fails to glance.
Flyrant fires into pink Warriors leaving 4 dead.
They pass their morale at -1.
Flyrant tries to assault into pink, nothing from overwatch, I then roll double 1's for the charge not making it.
White and green Stealers make it into Vect squad. (no wounds from overwatch).
Blue makes it to Pink squad.
Black fail.
Lots of pink Warriors die.
I lose 4 normal Stealers to Vect.
Broodlords and stealers eat most of his unit and everything sticks due to fearless.
Score = 2-1 (I have first blood and currently line breaker to his 1 for Warlord).
Turn 2
Dark Eldar:
"So much bloodshed already" was the phrase..
He moves his top Raider back and checks range to the Flyrant.
(I think I understand why he deployed so close now. I think he wanted to Seize and ensure range for everything into my Nids).
He checks range from the 2 Ravagers and Raider together also against the Stealers in the open and the Flyrant, decides not to move those and move straight on to shooting.
This is where the failed charge kills my Flyrant.
He starts with the Raider at the top into the Flyrant.
He knocks up 6 saveable wounds.
I roll my saves and only make 2 of them, Flyrant falls.
The 2 Ravagers then nuke the black Stealers out in the open between them.
The remaining Raider then finishes off the orange stealers trying to hold the objective.
Blue stealers finish the remaining Warrior and consolidate towards the Raider at the top.
Vect then kills 2 Stealers.
White Broodlord totally pummels Dracon.
Broodlord in Green unit then strikes Vect scoring 2 saveable wounds.
He decides to use his Invuln save and fails the first save lol rolling a 1. (That kinda balances out with my number 2 Flyrant loss).
The rest of the Stealers then proceed to eat him. All consolidate towards the top Raider.
Turn 3
So I picked up Slay the Warlord last turn so as things stand I'm 3-1 not counting objectives.
My Deathleaper comes in. I place him directly behind the Raider at the top.
The plan being that I have 3 Broodlords left with Objuration Mechanicum, if they fail to blow up the Raider I have him as fallback.
I cast my Objurations,
He saves one with Invuln
1 Broodlord Perils rolling double 6's
The last knocks off a hull point.
Not really hat I wanted...
Swoop the Harpy up behind the Ravagers.
Stealers all move up towards the Raider.
Leaper does one hull point more into the back of the Raider.
I declare charge with the Blue Stealers first, overwatch kills none and they fail their charge.
I make it into the raider with White and green stealers.
The Stealers socre the remaining glance on the Raiser and the Warriors disembark.
Turn 3
Dark Eldar:
Raider moves up and sits on the Objective where all the carnage has occurred.
1 Ravager moves up behind and the other moves around the back of the building to kill the DeathLeaper.
Raider rapid fires into the blue Stealers in the open killing them all.
Death Leaper takes a Dark Lance to the face vapourising him.
Ravager behind the Raider shoots at the harpy and fails to score a hit.
His Green Squad of Warriors then totally anihilates the Green squad of Stealers with some harsh point blank rapid fire.
He decides not to charge my remaining Broodlord and Stealer.
Turn 4
Not much left to do here.
Harpy passes synpase and Swoops up in front of the Ravager to the left.
(My plan at this stage is to contest his only currently to be held Objective)
Harpy tries to land a shot on the Ravager but missed completely.
Stealer+Broodlord charge and take 0 overwatch wounds.
Broodlord causes 1 Rend and one normal save.
He saves the wound.
Stealer then manages to do 4 normal wounds causign 2 more deaths.
He does no wounds in return and passes Morale.
Turn 4
Dark Eldar:
Hi reaminign Raider swings round the corner of the building and Warriors Disembark just behind the combat.
Ravager swings round behind it.
Its now that I'm informed Raiders have ramps and he can assault me this turn.
Ravager 1 is angled to get shots off on the Harpy which miss completely.
In Assault he throws his orange squad into my Remaining Broodlord and Stealer.
I decide to kill some orange guys and go first with Broodlord and Stealer. I manage to do 1 ap2 wound and one more with the stealer which gets saved.
He managed 2 wounds on my Broodlord, both aren't saved leaving him on 1.
I loose by 1 and roll a 9 just hanging in there.
Turn 5
What a crazy game.
I take a look at the board and think to myself I'm not sure I can survive much longer. But, both his scoring units are left in combat and if I can hold on in there this could be game to the Nids.
I Swoop the Harpy over to the Objective where the ravager sits.
I try to land a shot with the Stranglethorn cannon on his reamining raider hitting but not scoring a glance.
Broodlords scores a rending wound, Stealer causes 2 wounds and both are saved.
He fails to score a single wound!!
Trun 5
Dark Eldar:
He moves his Ravagers over to the objective to take on the Harpy and turns his remaining Raider to face the Harpy.
Ravager 1 snapfires and fails to score a hit.
Ravager 2 also fails to score a hit on the harpy!
Raider next, also fails to do a single hit
My opponents then says "flyers are broke "
Broodlord swings first and causes 3 normal wounds, 1 of which is saved.
Stealer follows up and strikes a rend and a normal wound which isnt saved.
His fight back kills the Stealer.
I now have just a Broodlord and a Harpy left on the table.
He passes both Morales.
We roll for the game to continue and it ends, phew.
What a game and somehow I had managed to win 3-1 with no objectives held.
I learnt a lot again, luck I think evened out in this game.
DeathLeaper doesn't seem to be that useful. I need more Stealers and i need that all important 6th unit of Broodlord/Stealers back.
I think i'll keep the Harpy in the list for now for contesting purposes but I really failed to get any decent use out of it.
I should've had the Harpy going down the otherside of the board with the Flyrants and using her large blast on the units.
Although considering I'm aiming to be in combat with whats available I may have limited use for her late game.
I will test further.
Victory for the Nids.