Post by killercroc on Aug 22, 2012 19:10:16 GMT
Hey all, as some of you may know I have pretty much dropped my Tyranids and Chaos marines for just Orks, although I still have a lot of my bigger bugs and Figured since no one wanted them why not have some fun with them? Now I am a big fan of the big ol' fexy ( I have like... at least 12) and figured time to let them out to play! Main idea is to just use Carnifex, maybe warriors for Synapse and Tyrant w/ guard but I am not quite sure how this will work in the new edition. Fex took a hit with our new codex, then another hit with the new rules but I am determined to make him work, or lose trying.
So a few questions for all:
A). Has anyone else used Carinfex with the new edition? If so how did it go?
B). What builds do you find works more?
C). should Fex now be taken in squads of 3 or still in 2?
D). How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
And really any other pointers for using a Carnifex? Such as pods or sneaky tricks?
Bringing fexy back!
Post by lostminds on Aug 22, 2012 19:22:36 GMT
a) Used them twice, once with talons (didn't work out so well) and another time with 2x devs which worked much better. b) 2x Devs all the way. c) no idea never got a chance to field them in squads of 3 yet. d) www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNSKXyk5OyU
Post by wisdomseyes1 on Aug 22, 2012 19:30:56 GMT
Fex, I liked him in this edition. Dual devourers are something that is pretty unique in tyranids. I was already using dual primes, so I had no issues with "adding prime to make the fex good" 3 Fexen with dual devourers and a prime is a distinctive force not to be reconed with. The shooting abilities of the Fexen themselves are just absolutely terrifying. I played a game with 6 fex, 2 primes, 2 min units of gants, and a few zoeys. Use the zoeys to give endurance to the Fexen. Cover + FNP + look out sir wound allocation + regen on the prime makes for a fantastic death star (and IWND is funny too) It's a "point and kill" game at that point, but for a 700 point unit... I would hope so xD I wouldn't use that kind of tactic in a serious list, since my scoring was pathetic... And tabling the opponent is near impossible killing 2 units a turn once your in range... But it was fun I have also played a game or 2 with spores an Fexen.... Eh. Kills rhinos... Woooo 4) a wood chuck should chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
Post by Princelarming on Aug 22, 2012 19:42:06 GMT
Í've been using 'Fexes for the last year and a half - mostly Dakkafexes... They rocked as Stun-blockers in 5th, and now they can actually Glance tanks to death, on a regular basis! They are a solid AT choice, and a nice addition to any shooty 'Nid force - and a Shooty/Psyker-spammy list is a good idea in 6th...
BTW: You got the question last wrong - it should be:
"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?"
Post by Davor on Aug 22, 2012 21:42:24 GMT
Nobody would take them? I will.
Post by undeadfilth on Aug 22, 2012 21:48:34 GMT
I like carnifexes, I just still feel personally wounded from their base cost doubling from 4th ed:(
Post by Koyori on Aug 23, 2012 4:52:52 GMT
I had quite some luck with devil fexes in drop pods. 2 of em droping behind enemy lines is enough to scare most armies to ignore those gaunts/stealers or whatever they got running towards em. Also with some clever positioning you could potentialy have your pod eat a transport, and your fex something else.
Post by rpricew on Aug 23, 2012 5:22:18 GMT
I've been using a Devilfex in a pod to good success. You have to compliment it with other deep striking units to give your opponent enough to shoot at... I like him. I never ran one in 5th edition, but having him reliably come in turn 2 with the rest of your army is excellent!
Post by killercroc on Aug 23, 2012 19:59:29 GMT
A lot of good points here.
So by general census I feel like I should run Dakkafex in groups of 2, maybe run my screamer-killers too, we ill see about them. Mostly I think they look the best, 2 sets of ScyTals, Bio-plasma, mace tails, etc. And I have a special converted fex I may bring out as a Hive tyrant so they all look the same... Possible ;D
As for pods I tried an all pod army that was really fun, besides the fact that I fought GK *grumble grumble* the army is pretty fun, and totally unexpected!
Now I'm wondering about HVC, they still glance true but they have long range and no more "center hole" rule so I have to scatter off what... 4" to completely miss? so really unless I roll an 8 on the 2D6 I should be just fine.
Of course I still kinda need to get the 6th Ed. rulebook, but that's just a technicality.
P.S. As for troops since I traded off all my Termagaunts I am just left with Genestealers and Warriors (Maybe rippers... i don't know if I still have them) But I figure an army of all Carnifex and genestealers would have plenty of scare tactics but a couple of questions:
A). Can genestealers attack after they outflank? I have seen people say they cannot but everyone in my game-store still says they can.
B). Can Broodlords take the new psychic powers? I may take Broodlords with the genestealers if so.
C). Any reason to take anything besides Toxin sacs of Genestealers? I figure 4+ poison is still the best (and only) upgrade worth taking.
D). How many Genestealers does it take to screw in a light-bulb?
Post by halos on Aug 23, 2012 20:51:23 GMT
Screamer-Killers do look the best, but I think there's very little reason to take them over the Devourer version; you don't lose any combat attacks now and gain nothing but re-rolls.
a) They cannot; nothing can assault when entering play from reserves unless otherwise specified I their rules, so Vanguard Vets, Ymgarl 'stealers and maybe summoned Daemons from the CSM book? I forget.
b) Broodlords can roll up two new psychic powers yes, although there base powers are pretty good and if they roll up a Witchfire power they can't use it as they are BS0. But still, more psykers is always good.
c) Yeah Toxin Sacs are basically the best, re-rolls on rending attacks on anything S4 or less is excellent.
Post by wisdomseyes1 on Aug 24, 2012 6:37:49 GMT
A) your game store is like my game store... Totally and utterly wrong. It's in bold on the second page of reserves (146 I think?) I just had to prove it today... Twice... I hate my LGS, I miss my friends, and they have been gone for a whole day. Nerds are not so accepting of new people I have noticed.., everyone at my LGS treats me like I have the plague, and gets angry for me correcting there plethora of what can only be described as made up rules.
B) he is a psyker with psychic powers. I ant see why he wouldn't. Issue is his BS0. There is a debate on weather he can snapfire which fire (like puppet master) of if psychic shooting attacks are totally worthless to him. Also, be careful of the warp charge on some powers... You wouldn't think getting a 5 would mean warp charge 2 spell, but it does when it comes to telepathy.
C) ehhh... Same answer as before. Talons aren't bad but they aren't nececery. Really neither are toxin sacs, but toxin sacs do help.
D) 3
E) I know there was no E but I should point out that with the new changes to the VDC, you *cant* kill a vehicle with a HVC shot, unless you stop it's hull points away one at a time. You have to get good rolls just to immobilize or weapon destroy it. It's worse this edition, even if a bit more accurate.
Post by ZergLord on Aug 24, 2012 14:13:50 GMT
Honestly, to me Carnifexes are one of our worst units. It doesn't seem at the first glance, but when you think about it, Carnifexes are horribly, horribly overpriced.
T6, 3+ Sv and 4 Wounds - mediocre survivability against shooting, and no way to enhance it. WS3, I1 - horrendously vulnerable in CC, even a normal SM Tac squad with a Powerfist can beat it. Str9 - the only reason I didn't rate Carnifexes as useless, is now pointless because of the new "Smash" rule. Fex can instantkill T4 models in CC, but it doesn't matter because almost every T4 model out there will still be able to kill it.
Now, the only good setup that might be worthwile is 2x TL Devourers, but then again for exactly 10 points more I can get a Tyrant with the same setup, who is also superior to the Carnifex. And I can will give it wings. And on top of all that I don't see why you'd need more than two anyway.
They're just not worth the price. If they were 30 points cheaper, then they'd be alright.
Post by halos on Aug 24, 2012 14:32:21 GMT
It's doubly embarrasing when compared to the Grey Knight Dreadknight which fills a comparable roll in their codex.
But the DK has better WS, BS, I, Ld and Sv, not to mention it is now at a higher S due to the change to DCCW, and all for cheaper than the poor old fex.
Post by undeadfilth on Aug 24, 2012 21:41:19 GMT
I second that halos. They should have left to cost alone, alas, they wanted to sell more trygons:(
Post by brianb9999 on Aug 25, 2012 0:27:33 GMT
"A). Can genestealers attack after they outflank? I have seen people say they cannot but everyone in my game-store still says they can."
Killercroc, just checking that you are aware of the distinction between "regular" genestealers and Ymgarl Genestealers? Because no units may assault anymore the turn they arrive from outflank (whether a genestealer, space marine, ork boy, whatever). However, Ymgarl genestealers, a separate unit, may deploy using their "dormant" deployment method, which lets them hide in terrain and assault the turn they come in from reserve.