Post by Draezymous on Dec 2, 2012 1:03:32 GMT
Hello there to all,
this is my first post here on these forums, but I have been lurking here now and then as well previously. I'll explain a little from myself here, which will also help you guys in answering my questions (or at least I hope)! For those of you who don't feel like reading the whole thing, skip down the three next paragraphs.
I've never played a ''serious'' 40K game before; some friends I (used to) play, but we only read the first few basic rules (like moving, shooting, etc) back in 4th ed, and just kind of made up our own fitting rules in situations where we didn't feel like consulting the actual rules. So in a way, we play our own version 40K where we combine actual rules with own made ones. However, with the new rulebook out and such, I'm thinking of getting into the actual game using the actual rules. I even got my copy of the Psychic Powers deck, and all the information is quie a handfull to soak in to be honest.
However, I still have a decent Tyranid Swarm crawling around in my room, which I'm itching to start assembling and such. I even already bought me some new kits over the time passing since 4th ed, but simply because Im too unfamilliar with how the game works, I find my models lacking arms and whatnot (even though I'm planning on magnetizing anyways), so I'm actually looking for a solid way to get started with building my list as I steadily learn the new rules.
I'll list you guys my current Swarm models, but I would also like to note that with Christmas coming up (as well as my birthday), I'm looking to expand it, but I want to add something my current Swarm needs to find a sort of ''balance'', if that makes any sense? I'll explain my ''ideals'' for my Swarm after the models have bene listed, don't worry..!
TL;DR: Complete newb with some models wants to start the game with a Tyranid Swarm.
Alright, here's what I currently own: (most kits are mainly considered ''non-assembled'')
- 2 Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord
- 2 Tervigon
- 2 Trygon
- 3 Carnifex
- 6 Raveners
- 3 Warriors
- 61 Termagants (those models you ''click'' together; they have Fleshborers)
- 28 Hormagaunts
- 6 (?) Ripper Swarm Bases (I'm not really a fan of RS, but I could use them?)
- 8 Genestealers
Well then, that's my current Swarm at the moment (even though I never really field everything at once). As you all can see I like to ''clone'' things in my list. This is mainly for my ''balance'' (or consistency, or flexibillity, or whatever you call it), an aspect I really enjoy when making my list. In other words, should (for example) one Tervigon run out of eggs or get slain, I will always have the second one ready to fill in that gap when it needs to, and otherwise it's just the two of them supporting each other during the same task. After this part I will continue to share my own ideas, so if you just want to make a suggestions for purchase or anything, feel free to skip this part, and thanks for reading!
Monstrous Creatures
As you all can see, my list is packed with Monstrous Creatures (even though not the initial idea when purchasing my models, I afterwards also noticed it was quite ''heavy on the biggies''). Barring the 3 Carnifex though, I intend to include the other 2 Hive Tyrant, 2 Tervigon, and the 2 Trygon as my main ''bulk'' of the force (of course this depends on the points spent as well).
*** I tend to have one ''Flyrant'' and one on foot, mainly because it gives me acces to a flexible ''Synapse Pool'' (as I like to call it) starting from just there. However, considering I already have reasonable Synapse on foot, I'm wondering if having 2 ''Flyrant'' wouldn't be better? (even though the ''big'' points cost involved)
*** My Tervigons are there to do what Tervigons do best; soak up damage and pooping out little critters. In fact, I love these two girls so much that my intial ''500pts starting army'' consisted of nothing more that 2 Tervigon and a brood of 10 Termagants...! Out of all the models in my entire Army, I will never field any less than 2 of these girls. However, since they draw in lots of fire power/attention, is Regeneration worth it? My Tervigon always get Crushing Claws, and when possible maxed out Psychic Powers as well, meaning the points stack quickly?
*** Trygon are simply amazing. The model kicks butt when standing on the table alone, it boast in impressive T6 W6, and helps me getting behind fortified zones with troops that can't reach them with Outflank or some other restriction (or when it's simply too much of a drag to break my opponent's line). With hat out of the way, I always upgrade my Trygon to a Trygon Prime- ''no but's or if's''. I think the upgraded ranged attack is too crucial to have for when you pop up on the field, unable to assault. And the extra Synapse is really sweet too!
*** As stated, the 3 Carnifex are the only thing I normally refrain from from using, and it's mainly because it got such a beating points-wise with the new Codex... I used to run 2; both with twin linked Barbed Stranglers, meaning I got 4 Ordinance Markers with S8 for those pesky Space Marines and Necrons (especially Necrons since they couldn't make their WBB rolls because of ID, unless there was a Resurrection Orb close enough). Simply put, I used the Carnifex in a way nobody else I knew was using it at that moment, and that was as heavy artillery troops instead of the brutal close combat monsters they are. However, with the Barbed Strangler/STranglethorn Cannon being nerfed as well, I find my 3 Carnifex to look awesome on the pictures, but not on the actual battlefield. Any way I can make these Carnifex work, without going the Dakka way?
Bigger than your average man
While not as numerous as I'd like, I boast 2 units of 3 Raveners each, and I have the option to run 3 Warriors (which I might convert into 1 Tyranid Prime and 2 more Raveners). Even though they're not as good represented, I have a very clear and distinct use for them.
*** Raveners are truly one of my top favorite units within the game, if only for their looks. Not only that, but send these things up to some armoured shock troops, and watch them go (I always give them Scythign Talons and Rending Claws)! I wield them into 2 seperate units purely so I can divide the pressure when need be, but I'm really uncomfortable with just 2 units of 3; 2 units of 4 is much more desirable. Or should I just make one unit of 6, and push through with the unit in a single, devastating blow?
*** Warriors are one of the best units we have at our disposal (or so I have been told), but I simply don't like them. The only real reason I might be running them is because of the extra Synapse, but otherwise I can't seem to justify the Troop slot they take these days (When I started playing they where either HQ or Elite), as well as their stats/points ratio? Could somebody please elaborate on this matter?
Quite numerous in my list if I dare say so myself (even though I still lack enough Termagant models to spawn in my opinion). While maybe ''average'' for a reasonable Tyranid Swarm, I always look at the amount of ''small miniatures'' within my own Swarm, and get a faint smile on my lips when I think about other armies like Space Marnies and such (which are smaller and more compact).
*** Termagants form the main bulk of my army, mainly because I love those Tervigon for spawning more and more, and because the Tervigon provides buffs for them. I also like they are the cheapest type of Troops choice (barring Ripper Swarms), and are therefore easy to swarm. Casualties don't mean as much when you'll be spawning more anyways, and I like to take these guys in big numbers to make up for their lack in prowess.
***Hormagaunts are actually one of my favorite looking units within the army, and I normally grant them Toxin Sacs to make them just that little bit more nastier (and points-wise I find it a nice investment). The main problem I have with these guys is that they're simply too frail to really reach the enemy's lines in great numbers, and because their unit is easily thorn in half before they make contact they also kind of lose their shine in my opinion. I really want to make them work, but since they're not ''replacable'' like Termagants, I am really at a loss if they're actually still worth running?
*** Ripper Swarms are just plain bad in my opinion, and should only be used to fill up some minimal troop choices when you really have no other points to spare, or you have some points to spare after making your list but aren;t enough to justify something else/better. They might be fun alongside the Parasite of Mortex, but I don't play it, and I have no intentions of ever playing it either (at least, not at the moment). To get this straight; I find Rippers to be fun to glue along the scenery on the larger creatures' bases, but not so much as an effective combat troop.
*** Genestealers are plain awesome. WS6 on a Troop?! I'll take that any day! My only real conserns with the Stealers is to Ygmarl or not to Ygmarl? And if you don't, do you (always) use a Broodlord? Are upgrades worth it, and if so, which ones? I have zero experience wielding them though, so some pointers here would be much appreciated as well!
So overall I think I'd like to bring quite a few Monstrous Creatures to the table, while at the same time swarm with the smaller creatures in numbers as well. I suppose this would make me a ''NidSwarmZilla'' player? xD
Well then, I think I've made a long enough post for now (sorry for you guys if it was a long read!), so I'll first await your replies...!
this is my first post here on these forums, but I have been lurking here now and then as well previously. I'll explain a little from myself here, which will also help you guys in answering my questions (or at least I hope)! For those of you who don't feel like reading the whole thing, skip down the three next paragraphs.
I've never played a ''serious'' 40K game before; some friends I (used to) play, but we only read the first few basic rules (like moving, shooting, etc) back in 4th ed, and just kind of made up our own fitting rules in situations where we didn't feel like consulting the actual rules. So in a way, we play our own version 40K where we combine actual rules with own made ones. However, with the new rulebook out and such, I'm thinking of getting into the actual game using the actual rules. I even got my copy of the Psychic Powers deck, and all the information is quie a handfull to soak in to be honest.
However, I still have a decent Tyranid Swarm crawling around in my room, which I'm itching to start assembling and such. I even already bought me some new kits over the time passing since 4th ed, but simply because Im too unfamilliar with how the game works, I find my models lacking arms and whatnot (even though I'm planning on magnetizing anyways), so I'm actually looking for a solid way to get started with building my list as I steadily learn the new rules.
I'll list you guys my current Swarm models, but I would also like to note that with Christmas coming up (as well as my birthday), I'm looking to expand it, but I want to add something my current Swarm needs to find a sort of ''balance'', if that makes any sense? I'll explain my ''ideals'' for my Swarm after the models have bene listed, don't worry..!
TL;DR: Complete newb with some models wants to start the game with a Tyranid Swarm.
Alright, here's what I currently own: (most kits are mainly considered ''non-assembled'')
- 2 Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord
- 2 Tervigon
- 2 Trygon
- 3 Carnifex
- 6 Raveners
- 3 Warriors
- 61 Termagants (those models you ''click'' together; they have Fleshborers)
- 28 Hormagaunts
- 6 (?) Ripper Swarm Bases (I'm not really a fan of RS, but I could use them?)
- 8 Genestealers
Well then, that's my current Swarm at the moment (even though I never really field everything at once). As you all can see I like to ''clone'' things in my list. This is mainly for my ''balance'' (or consistency, or flexibillity, or whatever you call it), an aspect I really enjoy when making my list. In other words, should (for example) one Tervigon run out of eggs or get slain, I will always have the second one ready to fill in that gap when it needs to, and otherwise it's just the two of them supporting each other during the same task. After this part I will continue to share my own ideas, so if you just want to make a suggestions for purchase or anything, feel free to skip this part, and thanks for reading!
Monstrous Creatures
As you all can see, my list is packed with Monstrous Creatures (even though not the initial idea when purchasing my models, I afterwards also noticed it was quite ''heavy on the biggies''). Barring the 3 Carnifex though, I intend to include the other 2 Hive Tyrant, 2 Tervigon, and the 2 Trygon as my main ''bulk'' of the force (of course this depends on the points spent as well).
*** I tend to have one ''Flyrant'' and one on foot, mainly because it gives me acces to a flexible ''Synapse Pool'' (as I like to call it) starting from just there. However, considering I already have reasonable Synapse on foot, I'm wondering if having 2 ''Flyrant'' wouldn't be better? (even though the ''big'' points cost involved)
*** My Tervigons are there to do what Tervigons do best; soak up damage and pooping out little critters. In fact, I love these two girls so much that my intial ''500pts starting army'' consisted of nothing more that 2 Tervigon and a brood of 10 Termagants...! Out of all the models in my entire Army, I will never field any less than 2 of these girls. However, since they draw in lots of fire power/attention, is Regeneration worth it? My Tervigon always get Crushing Claws, and when possible maxed out Psychic Powers as well, meaning the points stack quickly?
*** Trygon are simply amazing. The model kicks butt when standing on the table alone, it boast in impressive T6 W6, and helps me getting behind fortified zones with troops that can't reach them with Outflank or some other restriction (or when it's simply too much of a drag to break my opponent's line). With hat out of the way, I always upgrade my Trygon to a Trygon Prime- ''no but's or if's''. I think the upgraded ranged attack is too crucial to have for when you pop up on the field, unable to assault. And the extra Synapse is really sweet too!
*** As stated, the 3 Carnifex are the only thing I normally refrain from from using, and it's mainly because it got such a beating points-wise with the new Codex... I used to run 2; both with twin linked Barbed Stranglers, meaning I got 4 Ordinance Markers with S8 for those pesky Space Marines and Necrons (especially Necrons since they couldn't make their WBB rolls because of ID, unless there was a Resurrection Orb close enough). Simply put, I used the Carnifex in a way nobody else I knew was using it at that moment, and that was as heavy artillery troops instead of the brutal close combat monsters they are. However, with the Barbed Strangler/STranglethorn Cannon being nerfed as well, I find my 3 Carnifex to look awesome on the pictures, but not on the actual battlefield. Any way I can make these Carnifex work, without going the Dakka way?
Bigger than your average man
While not as numerous as I'd like, I boast 2 units of 3 Raveners each, and I have the option to run 3 Warriors (which I might convert into 1 Tyranid Prime and 2 more Raveners). Even though they're not as good represented, I have a very clear and distinct use for them.
*** Raveners are truly one of my top favorite units within the game, if only for their looks. Not only that, but send these things up to some armoured shock troops, and watch them go (I always give them Scythign Talons and Rending Claws)! I wield them into 2 seperate units purely so I can divide the pressure when need be, but I'm really uncomfortable with just 2 units of 3; 2 units of 4 is much more desirable. Or should I just make one unit of 6, and push through with the unit in a single, devastating blow?
*** Warriors are one of the best units we have at our disposal (or so I have been told), but I simply don't like them. The only real reason I might be running them is because of the extra Synapse, but otherwise I can't seem to justify the Troop slot they take these days (When I started playing they where either HQ or Elite), as well as their stats/points ratio? Could somebody please elaborate on this matter?
Quite numerous in my list if I dare say so myself (even though I still lack enough Termagant models to spawn in my opinion). While maybe ''average'' for a reasonable Tyranid Swarm, I always look at the amount of ''small miniatures'' within my own Swarm, and get a faint smile on my lips when I think about other armies like Space Marnies and such (which are smaller and more compact).
*** Termagants form the main bulk of my army, mainly because I love those Tervigon for spawning more and more, and because the Tervigon provides buffs for them. I also like they are the cheapest type of Troops choice (barring Ripper Swarms), and are therefore easy to swarm. Casualties don't mean as much when you'll be spawning more anyways, and I like to take these guys in big numbers to make up for their lack in prowess.
***Hormagaunts are actually one of my favorite looking units within the army, and I normally grant them Toxin Sacs to make them just that little bit more nastier (and points-wise I find it a nice investment). The main problem I have with these guys is that they're simply too frail to really reach the enemy's lines in great numbers, and because their unit is easily thorn in half before they make contact they also kind of lose their shine in my opinion. I really want to make them work, but since they're not ''replacable'' like Termagants, I am really at a loss if they're actually still worth running?
*** Ripper Swarms are just plain bad in my opinion, and should only be used to fill up some minimal troop choices when you really have no other points to spare, or you have some points to spare after making your list but aren;t enough to justify something else/better. They might be fun alongside the Parasite of Mortex, but I don't play it, and I have no intentions of ever playing it either (at least, not at the moment). To get this straight; I find Rippers to be fun to glue along the scenery on the larger creatures' bases, but not so much as an effective combat troop.
*** Genestealers are plain awesome. WS6 on a Troop?! I'll take that any day! My only real conserns with the Stealers is to Ygmarl or not to Ygmarl? And if you don't, do you (always) use a Broodlord? Are upgrades worth it, and if so, which ones? I have zero experience wielding them though, so some pointers here would be much appreciated as well!
So overall I think I'd like to bring quite a few Monstrous Creatures to the table, while at the same time swarm with the smaller creatures in numbers as well. I suppose this would make me a ''NidSwarmZilla'' player? xD
Well then, I think I've made a long enough post for now (sorry for you guys if it was a long read!), so I'll first await your replies...!