Post by leeroy1986 on Oct 13, 2012 21:10:27 GMT
Hello there Nids and Nidettes!
I just attended a 1750 1 day 3 day tournament Report so thought i'd post my games and stuff and make of it what you will. It's a Tournament in the UK called OpenWar which was in Mansfield, normally it gets around 50 players, 20 of which are usually top tournament players. This year unfortunately it only got around 20 players, so on the downside I wouldn't see aload of the top lists in the country but on the plus side I might of potentially done better than I may have done. Anyway............
I went with a Semi Competitive nids army which is as follows:-
Footdakkatyrant w/ 1 Tyrant Guard
3 Zoanthropes
3 Hive Guard
10 Termagantsx2
2 Tervigons(3 powers but no crushing claws)
2 Dakkafexes
Okay so the tournament started, first games are either usually really easy or really horrible, he had Blood Angels, which is as follows:-
Captain with a powesword wings, iron halo and so on.
Terminator Librarian
Some flying winged honor guard things with an apothecary
Scout sniper squad
Sanguinary high priest
2 assault marines squads
Vanguard veterans
Unit of deathcompany+chaplain in a drop pod
A dreadnought with claws and multi-meltas
A deathcompany dread
Storm Raven
Deployment was small table edges, not the normal ones the others and the mission was killpoints. Terrain was a big ruin in the middle, lots of little ruins round the edges and a few hills thrown in for good measure.
I deployed behind the big ruin, with the gaunts and Tervigons at the back, fexes tyrants and stuff at the front and edgea in a hammer formation. He deployed as far forward as possible behind some ruins and some scouts at the back in some tall ruins with their snipers.
I think he went first basically some deathcompany dropped in behind my lines and boltered some gaunts to death, everything else was out of range. My Hive Guard blew up the drop pod and the Tyrant shot the deathcompany and then ate them in assault. The fexes moved forward with the flyrant and shot to death 1 whole unit a lone powerfist survived.
Next turn he moved a bit closer, would be in assault next turn, snipers shot at something but didn't wound, he would be in assault next turn.
I shot up some more Assault marines, so another lone powesword waas left but then I shot the powerfist one to death(who survived the turn earlier) and yeah he made assault the turn after and was basically holding up the Carnifex for a few turns in assault.
The stormraven turned up and wounded teh Flyrant I think and then did nothing. I shot at the Storm raven with massed devourers so after that it only had 1 Hull point left. On my other side teh Hive Tyrant turned around and ate and shot up some Vanguard veterans that turned up a turn before and killed some Termagants
He was slowly wounding my Carnifex and then my Tervigon joined the party. Turn after a shot up the dreadnought with Hive Guard his Librarian was also getting shot but wasn't quite dead.
His flying honor guard thingy everntually killed the Carnifex in combat the Hive Tyrant and Tervigon killed all but 2 of them. A Carnifex up the other end of the table shot to death the Librarian the Dreadnought got zapped by Zoanthropes and my Flyrant killed his Stormraven the turn earlier, it was like a kiss with my Hive Tyrant and the Stormraven lol.
Anyhoo the Flyrant and Carnifex almost killed his remaining scouts up the other end amd ,y Hive Tyrant and Tervigon almost ate up his Warlord and 2 remaining bodyguards but then the game ended! It was turn 5 so he was a turn away from being tabled having said that I got a very good win and my next game put me up on Table 1 =(
Onto Game 2.........
My opponent was Daemons with Imperial Guard allies(sigh), his army was something like:-
Kairos Fateweaver
2 Heralds on Chariots
4 Units of horrors(1 changeling)
Soulgrinder(No big gun)
3x3 flamers
3x3 screamers
Lord commissar
1 Unit of vets with autocannon, plasmagun(i think)
Vendetta gunship
Imperial Bastion with a Quadgun
So yeah I was heavily fearing this army, however I did have a good plan! The mission was the opposite corners deployment, the mission "Big guns never tire" the one where heavy supports can get objectives but give away a VP themself.
Now in the middle there a big mini-skyshield landing pad which gave a 5+ cover save. Some big ruins on his side and some mini ruins on my side but I was deployed pretty much behind the landing pad and my Flyrant was deployed right in the bottom corner of mine.
Deployed on his corner was the Imperial Bastion at the back with a Lord Comissar sat in it with his Quadgun and a few Guardsmen sat in his ruin on a obhective. The objectives were 2 in his long ruin one top one bottom and 1 near me behind the landing pad.
Okay so I stole the intiative and went first!
My guys were in their nice Hammer formation of Fexes at the front Tyrants at the sides Tervigons in the middle and Termagants at the back and the Elites fitting in wherever. However my Flyrant was able to fly just behind his ruin 24" enough so the Lord Comissar in his tower couldn't see him. I ran everything forward basically getting near him to get in range for the proceeding turns.
So yeah he did his waves and didn't get the one he wanted, he had a wave of horrors, 1 flamers and a soulgrinder. They turned up near the ruins around the side of my table. The herald being on the farside, soulgrinder near the board edge near me and the horrors amongst the ruins.
1 unit he tried to deepstrike on the landing pad but they scattered onto my hammer and then rolled a 1 on the deepstrike mishap so they just died. But one unit did turn up there with a changeling. I think his shooting the guardsmen and some horrors shot at my Hive Guard who were in the landingpad and 1 survived on 1 wound so luckily I didnt give off first blood, he also shot a Quadgun at it but yeah I was lucky there.
Anyway my turn 2. My Flyrant flies round the side and shoots his Guardsmen squad to death who were sat at the back thanks to some nice -1 leadership from devourers they ran off. Near my side my Dakkafexes turned around and shot some flamers to ribbons, but yeah I wasn't really in range of anything else so I moved a Tervigon up near his home base ruins type thing and that was that. Oh and the horrors near me my Warlord tyrant shot them to death.
His turn everything turned up but 1 unit of screamers and a vendetta. The screamers both turbo-boosted over my Tervigopn when the turned up but didn't do any damage thankfully. Now Fateweaver AND a Herald Deep striked right on the edge where my Tyrant was all they needed was 3" right and they would of mishapped but no he was lucky I think the Herald went the other way and landed on a ruin and Fateweaver landed exactly where he wanted him to.
His Horrors near my sside pussyfooted around some ruins he stuck 1 guy out casting bolt of change on my Carnifexes fortunately they didn't do any damage. The Soulgrinder sat at the back shooting which is a shame I'm sure my Carnifexes woulda liked to directed a few Strength 9 hits towards his way. So yeah the way he deployed forced me to split up my Hammer which was quite clever really. Oh yeah and he dropped 3 flamers near Fateweaver and a Herald too.
Okay So the screamers turbo boost rake thing did nothing to my Tervigon woohoo! the Flamers, Herald and Fateweaver were unable to kill my my Flyrant as he only had 1 wound left. But yeah on the other side not much happened he was just poosy footing over there taking pop shots with his horrors/soul grinder and other Herald.
Now my turn,
My Tervigon made some babies, naturally rolling doubles but 15 or so turned up my Tervigon went for 1 unit of screamers(On a Iron-armed toughness of 9) and my uber gaunts went for the other ones.
My Hive Tyrant started walking that way to lend a hand. Dakkafexes walking towards the Horrors(to my left in the ruins) the Flyrant vector striked Fateweaver but he was fine sadly.
Soooooo........ yeah 1 Tervigon was sat around my objective with some gaunts and a Hive Guard the dakkafexes were mopping up horrors to my left and over on the right the ubar gaunts shot charged and wiped out a unit of screamers. and The other unit of screamers my Tervigon became toughness 9(muaahahahahahahaha!!) and the Screamers couldn't hurt him he killed 2 but one remained.
His turn more pussyfooting with the horrors, soulgrinder and heral to my left. To my right Fateweaver went in the middleish near my Dakkatyrant and the Herald was sort of stood offish in support oh and the flamers on the very edge to my right went to have some fun with the ubar gaunts.
But yeah Fateweaver/Commissar Quadgun/Herald with combined efforts managed to kill one Tyrant Guard, flamers killed 5 gaunts leaving hem out of assault range and my Tervigon didn't do anything in combat but on the upside he couldn't be hurt himself.
The vendetta did turn up though and shot off 3 wounds of my Carnifex! how rude! But yeah he was a battleworn hero! he was fine!
So yea my next turn a Dakkafex took a hullpoint off that damned Vendetta the ubargaunts moved to shoot the flamers(they killed one! haha) and my Warlord went to play hankypanky with Fateweaver.
The assault phase saw the gaunts lose like 3 models to flamers snap-firing, but then wipe the out in assault and then my Tervigon finished off the screamer.
Now this but was mean! very mean and not funny in the slightest! My Hive Tyrant charged Fateweaver, he shot his usual gimmicks and missed but then he did the Gift of Chaos and he hit on a 6! and guess what? I then rolled a 6 so my Hive Tyrant had become a spawn! I couldn't believe it lol.
Then it was his turn, his Vendetta his once and failed to wound my Carnifex which then saved aload of wounds whilst being shot at by the Lord Commissars Quadgun in his tower!
Horrors as usual were just a distraction sitting around the ruins, a distraction I couldn't ignore and if I had I would of conceeded my objective.
Now then his spawn ran upto my Zoanthropes who were trying to zap Fateweaver without much success, but because I killed his screamers/flamers my Gaunts and Tervigons ran onto 2 objectives in his deployment zone. Fortunately for him he had Fateweaver and the Herald fly over the buildings and lay in a bit of hurt, but they failed to kill them in the end.
I tried to shoot the Vendetta but was usual missed so yeah we got to turn 5 eventually and it ended up with a draw! 4 Points a piece I couldn't believe it! Not only did I make Table 1 against what was quite a nasty army, but I also dominated the game and should of came out with more and maybe I would of done if the Tyrant wasn't unlucky and also, ah well it was very tight =)
Okie dokie now onto game 3 the last one, I had been relegated to table 3! But I was 4th/5th at that point, not only was I drawn against Tyranids(Mirror games shouldn't be allowed in tournaments in my opinion), but also I don't think you should be drawn against club mates, which I was. Now i have NEVER ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever beaten this guy! Even back in my days of Iron Warriors where I won our local club tournament and usually made top10 in alot of tournaments with them he always used to beat me! The dice always go against me against this guy I hate it! lol. So yeah it pretty screwed my chances of attaining a top 3 position really, stupid tournament organisers lol.
Anyway rant over it was a bit of Nid on Nid action, his list was as follows:-
2 Flydakkarants
5 Hive Guard
3 Warriors with deathspitters
3 Warriors with dual boneswords and rending claws
20 Gargoyles with adrenal glands+toxin sacs
2x3 Biovores
Trygon prime
SKyshield landing pad
Now this a weird army because on paper you're thinking this army isn't that good the warriors are easy fodder, Hive Guard are avoidable, flyrants are groundable Gargoyles are shootable and a big slow Trygon is easy pickings. When in fact it couldn't be more opposite he plays his army really well and has been unbeaten with this army and he was unbeaten in this tournament too(Even against heavy vendetta guard). But his problem is he only seems to get minor wins. As we know with tournaments on the points system if you're going to win you need to win big, it's not like football where all wins are worth the same sadly for him. But yeah there's no way I could play this list personally I love my slow hammer Tyranid armies.
Anyway there was loads of scenery aload of ruins in the middle, a hill eitherside and about 4 ruins in our deployment each. The mission was Crusade with Dawn of War setup, about as basic as games as you can get really. I had 3 objectives on my side, 1 central 1 to the left and 1 to the right. He had 2, one central and one to his right.
Right so his setup in the middle at the back was a Skyshield pad with 6 Biovores, 6 Hive Guard, 3 Warriors sat inside. To my right was a Trygon Prime and 3 Bonesword warriors sat behind them. To my right flank was his flyrant patrol with Gargoyles.
So I setup to my right the Dakkafexes hoping to ground the Flyrants. To my left my Flyrant hoping to harass his Trygon get in the Skyshield pad and do some nastiness. The Tervigons went up the middle where there was loads of scenery with my Zoanthropes and to my right was my Warlord just next to the fexes as well as the Hive Guard. The gaunts were in reserve.
His flyrants flew to my right as I knew they would. I shot everything at them(Fexes+Hive Guard), he passed all his grounding tests the dice deserted me and I took 1 wound off. My Flyrant on the other side took maybe 2 wounds off the Trygon, everything else marched forward. Oh and My Footrant managed to kill a unit of Hive guard!.....winner! lol
His Turn his Turn I had a Carnifex left on 1 wound from Hive Guard and 1 tyrant and the Hive Guard had 1 wound left after him wounding lots and me making no saves. Also everything was spread out btw for the sporemines.
My Turn the fexes shot everything at the Tyrants again I grounded 1 but caused like 1 wound on(He got the wounds back via endurance later on anyway). 1 of my tervigons made some babies in the middle preparing for a oncoming Trygon Prime. My flyrant shot the Trygon prime again lol after vector striking his ass, he was down to 2 wounds!
His next turn the Hive Guard and the Tyrants focus fired 1 Carnifex down thanks to Enfeeble and the other one with 1 wound the gargoyles shot to death lol as he only had 1 wound.
The rest of the army shot at my Flyrant and a few of his units were on a Skyfire nexus via Mysterious Terrain and they caused no wounds AYAND! I passed like 2 grounding tests. I think his Biovores killed some Zoanthropes.
SO yeah my next turn the Termagants turned up shot at his flyrants I managed to ground one! yaaay and did nothing to the other. My Termagants were close to the Trygon Prime and my Flyrant Vector striked his Hive Guard I think but then caused no wounds from shooting.
My Dakka footrant shot loads at the other flyer but couldn't ground him. So my gaunts charged the grounded Tyrant caused no wounds and lots died but I was hoping to tie him up, however I misjudged the distance as they were only 14" away! and they ran off dammit lol.
My ubergaunts the other side charged the Trygon Prime but he snapfire killed 2 which meant they were out of range.
Okay his turn my gaunts got biovored and had bugger all left despite me doing max coherency nonsense his Dakkarants came to the middle to shoot my Dakkarant and did nothing, I think I took like 1 wound from perils earlier on.
Hive Guard I think shot to death my Tyrant a bit and then the Gargoyles finished him off in assault and biovores thinned down the other unit of gaunts also. Soooo my next turn then
1 of my Tervigons turned around and made some babies to go and beat up some Gargoyles and the remaining other gaunts went that way too as they were on one of my objectives whi9lst the Tervigon sat on the central one. My flyrant turned around i went to kill a unit of Warriors who were on a objectives, remember he only had 2 troops them being one of them.
and my Tervigons pointed Stinger salvos at the Flyrants in the middle which grounded one and he had taken a few wounds already so he dropped dead yaaay! But there was another one sadly. The Ubergaunts charged the Trygon got mullered my gaunts shot, charged and killed the Gargoyles. My Hive Tyrant who had been vector striked and shot ran into the warriors with 1 wound left. He killed one and didnt kill any at shooting.
Next turn was funny, because my Tervigon was turned towards the center bent over and the Trygon turned up behind her at which point we said "Come on baby want to make some Termagants" which was disgusting, but also hilarious at the sametime
Anyhooo..... My Hive Tyrant killed 1 warrior in melee and got buttraped by the other so he had 1 left capturing that objective luckily for him. Trygon prime slaughtered my Tervigon and went onto the other one. My Gaunts were spore mined but there was 2 units of 1 left! lol
His last turn the Trygon denied my Tervigon from getting her objective and shot the gaunt on the other objective and my other lingering gaunt got biovored/hive guarded 1 brutal death from eitther or and my Tervigon ran for a objective managed to get within 3" of another one and the game ended.
I had 1 Tervigon left on the board but only lost by like 4-5 VP's or something so despite being slaughtered left right and centre I got a minor loss.
So overall I finished 7th, the guy who I drew with the round before got a massive win and came 2nd overall. I finished ahead the guy I lost to by 1 only because my 1 big win gave me slightly more points than his 2 minor wins.
Overall it was a very good tournament, I am considering another unit of Hive Guard another Tervigon and Gargoyles. But I would switch out the dakkafexes I think, they seem a bit hit and miss really, but definitely better than Trygons.
But yeah if you read all that above text you must be crazy! But thank you
I just attended a 1750 1 day 3 day tournament Report so thought i'd post my games and stuff and make of it what you will. It's a Tournament in the UK called OpenWar which was in Mansfield, normally it gets around 50 players, 20 of which are usually top tournament players. This year unfortunately it only got around 20 players, so on the downside I wouldn't see aload of the top lists in the country but on the plus side I might of potentially done better than I may have done. Anyway............
I went with a Semi Competitive nids army which is as follows:-
Footdakkatyrant w/ 1 Tyrant Guard
3 Zoanthropes
3 Hive Guard
10 Termagantsx2
2 Tervigons(3 powers but no crushing claws)
2 Dakkafexes
Okay so the tournament started, first games are either usually really easy or really horrible, he had Blood Angels, which is as follows:-
Captain with a powesword wings, iron halo and so on.
Terminator Librarian
Some flying winged honor guard things with an apothecary
Scout sniper squad
Sanguinary high priest
2 assault marines squads
Vanguard veterans
Unit of deathcompany+chaplain in a drop pod
A dreadnought with claws and multi-meltas
A deathcompany dread
Storm Raven
Deployment was small table edges, not the normal ones the others and the mission was killpoints. Terrain was a big ruin in the middle, lots of little ruins round the edges and a few hills thrown in for good measure.
I deployed behind the big ruin, with the gaunts and Tervigons at the back, fexes tyrants and stuff at the front and edgea in a hammer formation. He deployed as far forward as possible behind some ruins and some scouts at the back in some tall ruins with their snipers.
I think he went first basically some deathcompany dropped in behind my lines and boltered some gaunts to death, everything else was out of range. My Hive Guard blew up the drop pod and the Tyrant shot the deathcompany and then ate them in assault. The fexes moved forward with the flyrant and shot to death 1 whole unit a lone powerfist survived.
Next turn he moved a bit closer, would be in assault next turn, snipers shot at something but didn't wound, he would be in assault next turn.
I shot up some more Assault marines, so another lone powesword waas left but then I shot the powerfist one to death(who survived the turn earlier) and yeah he made assault the turn after and was basically holding up the Carnifex for a few turns in assault.
The stormraven turned up and wounded teh Flyrant I think and then did nothing. I shot at the Storm raven with massed devourers so after that it only had 1 Hull point left. On my other side teh Hive Tyrant turned around and ate and shot up some Vanguard veterans that turned up a turn before and killed some Termagants
He was slowly wounding my Carnifex and then my Tervigon joined the party. Turn after a shot up the dreadnought with Hive Guard his Librarian was also getting shot but wasn't quite dead.
His flying honor guard thingy everntually killed the Carnifex in combat the Hive Tyrant and Tervigon killed all but 2 of them. A Carnifex up the other end of the table shot to death the Librarian the Dreadnought got zapped by Zoanthropes and my Flyrant killed his Stormraven the turn earlier, it was like a kiss with my Hive Tyrant and the Stormraven lol.
Anyhoo the Flyrant and Carnifex almost killed his remaining scouts up the other end amd ,y Hive Tyrant and Tervigon almost ate up his Warlord and 2 remaining bodyguards but then the game ended! It was turn 5 so he was a turn away from being tabled having said that I got a very good win and my next game put me up on Table 1 =(
Onto Game 2.........
My opponent was Daemons with Imperial Guard allies(sigh), his army was something like:-
Kairos Fateweaver
2 Heralds on Chariots
4 Units of horrors(1 changeling)
Soulgrinder(No big gun)
3x3 flamers
3x3 screamers
Lord commissar
1 Unit of vets with autocannon, plasmagun(i think)
Vendetta gunship
Imperial Bastion with a Quadgun
So yeah I was heavily fearing this army, however I did have a good plan! The mission was the opposite corners deployment, the mission "Big guns never tire" the one where heavy supports can get objectives but give away a VP themself.
Now in the middle there a big mini-skyshield landing pad which gave a 5+ cover save. Some big ruins on his side and some mini ruins on my side but I was deployed pretty much behind the landing pad and my Flyrant was deployed right in the bottom corner of mine.
Deployed on his corner was the Imperial Bastion at the back with a Lord Comissar sat in it with his Quadgun and a few Guardsmen sat in his ruin on a obhective. The objectives were 2 in his long ruin one top one bottom and 1 near me behind the landing pad.
Okay so I stole the intiative and went first!
My guys were in their nice Hammer formation of Fexes at the front Tyrants at the sides Tervigons in the middle and Termagants at the back and the Elites fitting in wherever. However my Flyrant was able to fly just behind his ruin 24" enough so the Lord Comissar in his tower couldn't see him. I ran everything forward basically getting near him to get in range for the proceeding turns.
So yeah he did his waves and didn't get the one he wanted, he had a wave of horrors, 1 flamers and a soulgrinder. They turned up near the ruins around the side of my table. The herald being on the farside, soulgrinder near the board edge near me and the horrors amongst the ruins.
1 unit he tried to deepstrike on the landing pad but they scattered onto my hammer and then rolled a 1 on the deepstrike mishap so they just died. But one unit did turn up there with a changeling. I think his shooting the guardsmen and some horrors shot at my Hive Guard who were in the landingpad and 1 survived on 1 wound so luckily I didnt give off first blood, he also shot a Quadgun at it but yeah I was lucky there.
Anyway my turn 2. My Flyrant flies round the side and shoots his Guardsmen squad to death who were sat at the back thanks to some nice -1 leadership from devourers they ran off. Near my side my Dakkafexes turned around and shot some flamers to ribbons, but yeah I wasn't really in range of anything else so I moved a Tervigon up near his home base ruins type thing and that was that. Oh and the horrors near me my Warlord tyrant shot them to death.
His turn everything turned up but 1 unit of screamers and a vendetta. The screamers both turbo-boosted over my Tervigopn when the turned up but didn't do any damage thankfully. Now Fateweaver AND a Herald Deep striked right on the edge where my Tyrant was all they needed was 3" right and they would of mishapped but no he was lucky I think the Herald went the other way and landed on a ruin and Fateweaver landed exactly where he wanted him to.
His Horrors near my sside pussyfooted around some ruins he stuck 1 guy out casting bolt of change on my Carnifexes fortunately they didn't do any damage. The Soulgrinder sat at the back shooting which is a shame I'm sure my Carnifexes woulda liked to directed a few Strength 9 hits towards his way. So yeah the way he deployed forced me to split up my Hammer which was quite clever really. Oh yeah and he dropped 3 flamers near Fateweaver and a Herald too.
Okay So the screamers turbo boost rake thing did nothing to my Tervigon woohoo! the Flamers, Herald and Fateweaver were unable to kill my my Flyrant as he only had 1 wound left. But yeah on the other side not much happened he was just poosy footing over there taking pop shots with his horrors/soul grinder and other Herald.
Now my turn,
My Tervigon made some babies, naturally rolling doubles but 15 or so turned up my Tervigon went for 1 unit of screamers(On a Iron-armed toughness of 9) and my uber gaunts went for the other ones.
My Hive Tyrant started walking that way to lend a hand. Dakkafexes walking towards the Horrors(to my left in the ruins) the Flyrant vector striked Fateweaver but he was fine sadly.
Soooooo........ yeah 1 Tervigon was sat around my objective with some gaunts and a Hive Guard the dakkafexes were mopping up horrors to my left and over on the right the ubar gaunts shot charged and wiped out a unit of screamers. and The other unit of screamers my Tervigon became toughness 9(muaahahahahahahaha!!) and the Screamers couldn't hurt him he killed 2 but one remained.
His turn more pussyfooting with the horrors, soulgrinder and heral to my left. To my right Fateweaver went in the middleish near my Dakkatyrant and the Herald was sort of stood offish in support oh and the flamers on the very edge to my right went to have some fun with the ubar gaunts.
But yeah Fateweaver/Commissar Quadgun/Herald with combined efforts managed to kill one Tyrant Guard, flamers killed 5 gaunts leaving hem out of assault range and my Tervigon didn't do anything in combat but on the upside he couldn't be hurt himself.
The vendetta did turn up though and shot off 3 wounds of my Carnifex! how rude! But yeah he was a battleworn hero! he was fine!
So yea my next turn a Dakkafex took a hullpoint off that damned Vendetta the ubargaunts moved to shoot the flamers(they killed one! haha) and my Warlord went to play hankypanky with Fateweaver.
The assault phase saw the gaunts lose like 3 models to flamers snap-firing, but then wipe the out in assault and then my Tervigon finished off the screamer.
Now this but was mean! very mean and not funny in the slightest! My Hive Tyrant charged Fateweaver, he shot his usual gimmicks and missed but then he did the Gift of Chaos and he hit on a 6! and guess what? I then rolled a 6 so my Hive Tyrant had become a spawn! I couldn't believe it lol.
Then it was his turn, his Vendetta his once and failed to wound my Carnifex which then saved aload of wounds whilst being shot at by the Lord Commissars Quadgun in his tower!
Horrors as usual were just a distraction sitting around the ruins, a distraction I couldn't ignore and if I had I would of conceeded my objective.
Now then his spawn ran upto my Zoanthropes who were trying to zap Fateweaver without much success, but because I killed his screamers/flamers my Gaunts and Tervigons ran onto 2 objectives in his deployment zone. Fortunately for him he had Fateweaver and the Herald fly over the buildings and lay in a bit of hurt, but they failed to kill them in the end.
I tried to shoot the Vendetta but was usual missed so yeah we got to turn 5 eventually and it ended up with a draw! 4 Points a piece I couldn't believe it! Not only did I make Table 1 against what was quite a nasty army, but I also dominated the game and should of came out with more and maybe I would of done if the Tyrant wasn't unlucky and also, ah well it was very tight =)
Okie dokie now onto game 3 the last one, I had been relegated to table 3! But I was 4th/5th at that point, not only was I drawn against Tyranids(Mirror games shouldn't be allowed in tournaments in my opinion), but also I don't think you should be drawn against club mates, which I was. Now i have NEVER ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever beaten this guy! Even back in my days of Iron Warriors where I won our local club tournament and usually made top10 in alot of tournaments with them he always used to beat me! The dice always go against me against this guy I hate it! lol. So yeah it pretty screwed my chances of attaining a top 3 position really, stupid tournament organisers lol.
Anyway rant over it was a bit of Nid on Nid action, his list was as follows:-
2 Flydakkarants
5 Hive Guard
3 Warriors with deathspitters
3 Warriors with dual boneswords and rending claws
20 Gargoyles with adrenal glands+toxin sacs
2x3 Biovores
Trygon prime
SKyshield landing pad
Now this a weird army because on paper you're thinking this army isn't that good the warriors are easy fodder, Hive Guard are avoidable, flyrants are groundable Gargoyles are shootable and a big slow Trygon is easy pickings. When in fact it couldn't be more opposite he plays his army really well and has been unbeaten with this army and he was unbeaten in this tournament too(Even against heavy vendetta guard). But his problem is he only seems to get minor wins. As we know with tournaments on the points system if you're going to win you need to win big, it's not like football where all wins are worth the same sadly for him. But yeah there's no way I could play this list personally I love my slow hammer Tyranid armies.
Anyway there was loads of scenery aload of ruins in the middle, a hill eitherside and about 4 ruins in our deployment each. The mission was Crusade with Dawn of War setup, about as basic as games as you can get really. I had 3 objectives on my side, 1 central 1 to the left and 1 to the right. He had 2, one central and one to his right.
Right so his setup in the middle at the back was a Skyshield pad with 6 Biovores, 6 Hive Guard, 3 Warriors sat inside. To my right was a Trygon Prime and 3 Bonesword warriors sat behind them. To my right flank was his flyrant patrol with Gargoyles.
So I setup to my right the Dakkafexes hoping to ground the Flyrants. To my left my Flyrant hoping to harass his Trygon get in the Skyshield pad and do some nastiness. The Tervigons went up the middle where there was loads of scenery with my Zoanthropes and to my right was my Warlord just next to the fexes as well as the Hive Guard. The gaunts were in reserve.
His flyrants flew to my right as I knew they would. I shot everything at them(Fexes+Hive Guard), he passed all his grounding tests the dice deserted me and I took 1 wound off. My Flyrant on the other side took maybe 2 wounds off the Trygon, everything else marched forward. Oh and My Footrant managed to kill a unit of Hive guard!.....winner! lol
His Turn his Turn I had a Carnifex left on 1 wound from Hive Guard and 1 tyrant and the Hive Guard had 1 wound left after him wounding lots and me making no saves. Also everything was spread out btw for the sporemines.
My Turn the fexes shot everything at the Tyrants again I grounded 1 but caused like 1 wound on(He got the wounds back via endurance later on anyway). 1 of my tervigons made some babies in the middle preparing for a oncoming Trygon Prime. My flyrant shot the Trygon prime again lol after vector striking his ass, he was down to 2 wounds!
His next turn the Hive Guard and the Tyrants focus fired 1 Carnifex down thanks to Enfeeble and the other one with 1 wound the gargoyles shot to death lol as he only had 1 wound.
The rest of the army shot at my Flyrant and a few of his units were on a Skyfire nexus via Mysterious Terrain and they caused no wounds AYAND! I passed like 2 grounding tests. I think his Biovores killed some Zoanthropes.
SO yeah my next turn the Termagants turned up shot at his flyrants I managed to ground one! yaaay and did nothing to the other. My Termagants were close to the Trygon Prime and my Flyrant Vector striked his Hive Guard I think but then caused no wounds from shooting.
My Dakka footrant shot loads at the other flyer but couldn't ground him. So my gaunts charged the grounded Tyrant caused no wounds and lots died but I was hoping to tie him up, however I misjudged the distance as they were only 14" away! and they ran off dammit lol.
My ubergaunts the other side charged the Trygon Prime but he snapfire killed 2 which meant they were out of range.
Okay his turn my gaunts got biovored and had bugger all left despite me doing max coherency nonsense his Dakkarants came to the middle to shoot my Dakkarant and did nothing, I think I took like 1 wound from perils earlier on.
Hive Guard I think shot to death my Tyrant a bit and then the Gargoyles finished him off in assault and biovores thinned down the other unit of gaunts also. Soooo my next turn then
1 of my Tervigons turned around and made some babies to go and beat up some Gargoyles and the remaining other gaunts went that way too as they were on one of my objectives whi9lst the Tervigon sat on the central one. My flyrant turned around i went to kill a unit of Warriors who were on a objectives, remember he only had 2 troops them being one of them.
and my Tervigons pointed Stinger salvos at the Flyrants in the middle which grounded one and he had taken a few wounds already so he dropped dead yaaay! But there was another one sadly. The Ubergaunts charged the Trygon got mullered my gaunts shot, charged and killed the Gargoyles. My Hive Tyrant who had been vector striked and shot ran into the warriors with 1 wound left. He killed one and didnt kill any at shooting.
Next turn was funny, because my Tervigon was turned towards the center bent over and the Trygon turned up behind her at which point we said "Come on baby want to make some Termagants" which was disgusting, but also hilarious at the sametime
Anyhooo..... My Hive Tyrant killed 1 warrior in melee and got buttraped by the other so he had 1 left capturing that objective luckily for him. Trygon prime slaughtered my Tervigon and went onto the other one. My Gaunts were spore mined but there was 2 units of 1 left! lol
His last turn the Trygon denied my Tervigon from getting her objective and shot the gaunt on the other objective and my other lingering gaunt got biovored/hive guarded 1 brutal death from eitther or and my Tervigon ran for a objective managed to get within 3" of another one and the game ended.
I had 1 Tervigon left on the board but only lost by like 4-5 VP's or something so despite being slaughtered left right and centre I got a minor loss.
So overall I finished 7th, the guy who I drew with the round before got a massive win and came 2nd overall. I finished ahead the guy I lost to by 1 only because my 1 big win gave me slightly more points than his 2 minor wins.
Overall it was a very good tournament, I am considering another unit of Hive Guard another Tervigon and Gargoyles. But I would switch out the dakkafexes I think, they seem a bit hit and miss really, but definitely better than Trygons.
But yeah if you read all that above text you must be crazy! But thank you