Post by leeroy1986 on Aug 24, 2012 21:40:47 GMT
With all these comments on the Lack of Battle Reports, thought i'd oughta post up my last game, although there is no pictures and I was going off memory, so hopefully it will be good I have put a few questions in too which were unsure about maybe someone can help!
Okay then the Mission was Crusade having 3 objectives and Vanguard deployment. We used the Terrain setup in the book in the centre of the Battlefield was a bunker to my left there was some trees and some little Graveyards and stuff and to my right a big area of terrain with forrestry.
On his side there was a mini bunker in the centre a ruin on the right and aload of trees to the left, there were a few more random bits but they werent relevant. I think in total we got 13 pieces of scenery. Anyway onto the army lists:-
Swarmlord w/ 3 Tyrant Guard.
Flying Dakka Tyrant with regen and old Adversary.
2 Tervifexes.
2x11 Termagant units.
3 Hive Guard.
2 Zoanthropes.
3 Raveners.
Dark Angels(Him!)
6 Units of Troop Assault Terminators with 1 Cyclone Missile in each.
1 unit of Elite Assault Terminators.
So yeah my plan was just to get stuck in, force as many saves as possible and hope for the best really. His plan was to get stuck in and Thunderhammer me to death lol. But this was his nicest army! He also has 9 Vendettas, 2 Seer Councils type armies, so a very evil man! lol.
Anyway Psychic powers he had none, I got Hallucination, Dominate, Puppet Master and Invisibility for the Swarmlord. The Flyrant got Iron arm and Life Leech. My un-painted Black Tervigon got Iron arm, Warp Speed and Enfeeble and my othr Tervigon got Endurance, Life Leech and Warp Speed. The Zoanthropes stayed the same so a good set of powers =)
2 Objectives were around the bunker at the centre of the board and 1 was on his side, he won the roll-off selecting me to deploy first.
Q) The 2nd step during deployment you slect a tablehalf, does the tablehalf selection include the deployment zones selection? or just the side you're on?
I deployed a unit of Gaunts, Flyrant and Zoanthropes to my left behind the bunker. The Swarmlord at the front, Tervigons behind him and Raveners behind them with the Hive Guard. To my right in the trees were the other Gaunts.
He deployed at the back is as far forward as he could near my side in this Vanguard deployment half of units behind the Bunker on his side and he had 2 units in Reserve, Belial was amongst them.
SO just to clarify 4 units of Termies were deployed opposite me and 1 to my left round the other side of his bunker and 2 to deepstrike which later deployed to my left.
Turn 1
I went first my Flyrant flew forward just getting his Devourers in range of some Terminators, everything else just advanced forward. I took some pop shots at his Terminators but it just bounced off the armour. My Swarmlord casted invisibility on the Raveners who screened his unit(Nice little trick I discovered)
His turn everything else just moved forward he selected not to bother cycloning me and just get into combat faster and ran everything. I think another Terminator unit turned up but was miles out of the fight.
Turn 2
Hallucination got going and I rolled a 6 to see 2 Terminators kill themselves(always amuses me) a bit of Iron Arm and it will die goodness got off.
Then My Tervigons made some babies one made 17 Gaunts!!! Sadly she couldn't make anymore The other made 13 but didn't get any doubled which was handy.
Q) Does anyone know what comes first? Psychic powers or Tervigons babies?
Anyway moved my stuff forward again and my Flyrant dropped to the floor to double assault 1 of the 4 Termy squads near his ruins the furthest one to my right with a unit of non-created Termagants. Obviously the Swarmlord moved forward to Assault something so did the Tervigons.
Shooting saw my Swarmlord give Preferred enemy to the Hive Guard re-rolling ones which is nice, but all their shots bounced off. The Flyrant I believe shot a Termy dead and the gaunts shots did nothing.
So yeah in Assault my Swarmlord and 2 Tervigons Triple Assault a 5 Man unit of Assault Terminators and a Gaunt unit plus the Tyrant Assault the furthest Termy squad away to my right to the ruins on his side, which was maybe 12" from an objective.
Assault saw Hammer of Wrath from 3 Monstrous Creatures and 2 Terminators died from it lol, the Swarmlord mopped up the rest. One thing I did notice about the Swarmlord it sucks he doesn't get re-rolls of any kind when rolling to hit.
Another Q) Do you know if the Swarmlord can give his buffs in the shooting phase to himself? It just says a friendly unit within 24" and someone argued he is a friendly unit, I wouldn't do it though, just to not be contraversial.
The other Assault the Tyrant killed 1 Termy the gaunts didn't kill any and he took a wound off my Tyrant, both being Fearless no one really cared.
His Turn 2 I think Belial turned up but he was miles away and all the Terminator squads moved forward all the ones to my left were running to get into the fight for next turn.
Shooting phase was literally non-existant tbh. Assault saw 2 Terminator squads Assault my Swarmlord/some Gaunts and Raveners in a multi-assault thingy despite the fact I tried to block them off with careful massacre moves last turn it failed:p
So yeah Assault saw A sergeant challenge my Swarmlord and get raped, my Tyrant Guard killed a Terminator but then got hammered into the ground they all died basically The Swarmlord was protected from the Challenge though.
My Raveners got clobbered as did part of the 13 unit strong gaunt squad he charged too. The Tyrant near the ruined killed a Terminator but took 2 wounds in return and the gaunts in that combat didn't kill anything.
SO yeah it was just a bloody combat game lol, so now onto turn 3.
Turn 3
My Black Tervigon to my left couldn't escape the oncoming Terminators so just went for it to cause as much damage as possible and then go down I'd imagined. The other Tervigon created another 11 Gaunts and could still breed! woohoo!
Hallucination only rolled 1 this time, which doesn't affect Terminators, he did try Deny the Witch but kept failing btw. I gave the suicidal Tervigon to my left Warp speed to try and do as much damage before she died. She was on 4 wounds from Cyclone missiles earlier
The other did a bit of iron armage as did my Flyrant but they all only got Toughness 7 Unfortunately.
So yeah shooting maybe saw me take out maybe 2 Terminators I was starting to thin them down. Onto assault saw my Flyrant get smashed into the ground and him passing all his invulnerable saves and the Gaunts doing nothing, however thanks to the 18" Synapse of the Swarmlord they held the Terminators up for a bit there was 10 of them to keep them busy
The Swarmlord I believe took out about 1 or 2 Termies and they could only hit him once being WS9 Hammer Termies need 5's to hitm which is always nice The created 13 gaunts to my left surrounded the other termy unit they killed 1 of them, lost a few themselves but didnt care.
The 17 gaunts to my left were just wandering not really in range with anything yet. So the Tervigon that assaulted a Termy unit to my left killed 1 with Hammer of Wrath again He rolled 1 for crushing claws and got an extra 2 attacks from Warpspeed, he selected not to smash as he got to re-roll wounds being poisoned anyway, so he went in with 7 attacks even though I rolled bad, which is another nice trick I think he took out an extra 2 Termies which left 2 of them and they in turn caused 2 wounds leaving 2 wounds left on him.
Okay this began his Turn 3, Belial was approaching my objective near the back of the bunker but wasn't anywhere near yet thankfully.
Okay to recap he had a unit of Termies engaged on his side by a unit of gaunts. Half a unit of Termies was left against a Swarmlord and another was half on the Gaunts half on the Swarmlord to my left 2 were left in combat with the black Tervigon and another 1 behind it ready to assault the Tervigon and Belial with his approaching around the back and ofc one of them was dead. I understand this hard to follow but i'm trying my best here
So yeah assault saw some Termies kill some gaunts but not enough. My Swarmlord did get wounded last turn but this time round he passed his Invulnerable saves! Wooooh go Bonesabres! He twatted the remaining 2 from that unit I think another Terminator died from created gaunts, the ones that were co-engaged with the Swarmlord.
Now another unit Assaulted the Tervigon, the Tervigon killed a Terminator leaving one and then got hammered into the ground Poor thing it only wanted to play lol. Anyway yeah things were getting very bloody and intense which then brought my turn 4.
Turn 4
Hallucination returned watching 2 assault Terminators kill themselves from the big full unscathed unit to my left that killed the Tervigon
ANyway they couldn't be allowed to roam free so my other Tervigon was going to sacrifice itself to them.
So yeah more shooting all my guys killed maybe 1 Terminator I reckon! God they're so bloody tough! Annoying things
So Tervigon went in with Warpspeed too as both of them rolled for it which was nice, he went for the big unit I think he only killed one though and im pretty sure it got wounded a bit but didn't quite die:( . The Swarmlord missed all of his attacks, fortunately did he as well, the gaunts in the same combat killed no Termies this time though. The other non-created gaunts didnt do anything like 3 of them died.
Then his turn Belial eventually made it onto my objective so he was slowly coming round the back. He had like 3 Termies left from the Tervigons in 2 units another unit held in combat with the Swarmlord and gaunts and another held up with gaunts at the back of the near the ruin/his objective.
Anyway.....his other Termy units couldnt Assault anything. The one that was in melee with the non-created gaunts finished them off and moved near his objective and just sat there. The Swarmlord chewed away 1 or 2 Termies off the other unit and the gaunts did nothing but get hammered. Which then led to my Turn 5.
Turn 5
FInally my 17 gaunts were in position, this kinda reminds me of the Matrix where all those Sentinels over run the Walkers because they basically did tthat to the 2 remaining Terminator squads.
1 Gaunt squad assaulted one my non-created one that was hiding near the back near my table edge. My Zoanthropes and Hive Guard started shootinf at Belials unit but had no joy.
The Swarmlord killed maybe 1 Terminator leaving like 2 or 3 of them and they then finished off the created gaunts and the Swarmlord was as happy as larry locked in combat with them.
1 gaunt unit of 17 overunned 1 of the terminator units that killed my Tervigon killed them in Assault with 30 odd attacks and massacred onto the objective at his side to contest it with his Terminators and my other non-created gaunts took out the other lone Terminator which basically left Belial at the back of my deployment around the corner of the bunkier a unit of Termies on the Objective his side and 1 unti locked in with my Swarmlord.
All that happened in his turn He didnt want to Assault the Termy unit with the gaunts that were both contesting the objective. The Termies against the Swarmlord was a stalemate as he missed all of his attacks and then passed all of his invulnerable saves(Even with the Bonesabre re-roll) jammy git!
Belial popped his head around the corner and did nothing really and that finished at Turn 5.
Unfortunately we didn't have the time to continue, but we would of played on as I rolled a 6. So basically the objective on his side was contested. He had claimed the one in my deployment zone with Belials unit and the Swarmlord was locked in combat with like 2-3 Termies.
SO i'd lost by 3 VP's he had, 1 objective(3) and Linebreaker(1) and I had Firs blood(1) we did get mysterious objectives which was a SKyfire Nexus but it was useless at that point.
I think if the game had continuedthe Swarmlord woulda finished those Termies the gaunts and the other Termies would be locked in combat I would of shot like 17 shots and then charged with like 34 attacks so woulda hopefully killed them and took that objective and got my gaunts up there for Linebreaker too and mitigated Belial b running away and shooting him until the Swarmlord went to say hello
But yeah I might not of killed those Termies and he mighta passed alot of saved against the gaunts you never know.
All in all it was a very bloody game, a very enjoyable game!
and guess what guys? Here is a Batrep where Tyranids lose for you
Sorry there was no pictures and just a wall of text, hope you enjoyed it anyway.
Okay then the Mission was Crusade having 3 objectives and Vanguard deployment. We used the Terrain setup in the book in the centre of the Battlefield was a bunker to my left there was some trees and some little Graveyards and stuff and to my right a big area of terrain with forrestry.
On his side there was a mini bunker in the centre a ruin on the right and aload of trees to the left, there were a few more random bits but they werent relevant. I think in total we got 13 pieces of scenery. Anyway onto the army lists:-
Swarmlord w/ 3 Tyrant Guard.
Flying Dakka Tyrant with regen and old Adversary.
2 Tervifexes.
2x11 Termagant units.
3 Hive Guard.
2 Zoanthropes.
3 Raveners.
Dark Angels(Him!)
6 Units of Troop Assault Terminators with 1 Cyclone Missile in each.
1 unit of Elite Assault Terminators.
So yeah my plan was just to get stuck in, force as many saves as possible and hope for the best really. His plan was to get stuck in and Thunderhammer me to death lol. But this was his nicest army! He also has 9 Vendettas, 2 Seer Councils type armies, so a very evil man! lol.
Anyway Psychic powers he had none, I got Hallucination, Dominate, Puppet Master and Invisibility for the Swarmlord. The Flyrant got Iron arm and Life Leech. My un-painted Black Tervigon got Iron arm, Warp Speed and Enfeeble and my othr Tervigon got Endurance, Life Leech and Warp Speed. The Zoanthropes stayed the same so a good set of powers =)
2 Objectives were around the bunker at the centre of the board and 1 was on his side, he won the roll-off selecting me to deploy first.
Q) The 2nd step during deployment you slect a tablehalf, does the tablehalf selection include the deployment zones selection? or just the side you're on?
I deployed a unit of Gaunts, Flyrant and Zoanthropes to my left behind the bunker. The Swarmlord at the front, Tervigons behind him and Raveners behind them with the Hive Guard. To my right in the trees were the other Gaunts.
He deployed at the back is as far forward as he could near my side in this Vanguard deployment half of units behind the Bunker on his side and he had 2 units in Reserve, Belial was amongst them.
SO just to clarify 4 units of Termies were deployed opposite me and 1 to my left round the other side of his bunker and 2 to deepstrike which later deployed to my left.
Turn 1
I went first my Flyrant flew forward just getting his Devourers in range of some Terminators, everything else just advanced forward. I took some pop shots at his Terminators but it just bounced off the armour. My Swarmlord casted invisibility on the Raveners who screened his unit(Nice little trick I discovered)
His turn everything else just moved forward he selected not to bother cycloning me and just get into combat faster and ran everything. I think another Terminator unit turned up but was miles out of the fight.
Turn 2
Hallucination got going and I rolled a 6 to see 2 Terminators kill themselves(always amuses me) a bit of Iron Arm and it will die goodness got off.
Then My Tervigons made some babies one made 17 Gaunts!!! Sadly she couldn't make anymore The other made 13 but didn't get any doubled which was handy.
Q) Does anyone know what comes first? Psychic powers or Tervigons babies?
Anyway moved my stuff forward again and my Flyrant dropped to the floor to double assault 1 of the 4 Termy squads near his ruins the furthest one to my right with a unit of non-created Termagants. Obviously the Swarmlord moved forward to Assault something so did the Tervigons.
Shooting saw my Swarmlord give Preferred enemy to the Hive Guard re-rolling ones which is nice, but all their shots bounced off. The Flyrant I believe shot a Termy dead and the gaunts shots did nothing.
So yeah in Assault my Swarmlord and 2 Tervigons Triple Assault a 5 Man unit of Assault Terminators and a Gaunt unit plus the Tyrant Assault the furthest Termy squad away to my right to the ruins on his side, which was maybe 12" from an objective.
Assault saw Hammer of Wrath from 3 Monstrous Creatures and 2 Terminators died from it lol, the Swarmlord mopped up the rest. One thing I did notice about the Swarmlord it sucks he doesn't get re-rolls of any kind when rolling to hit.
Another Q) Do you know if the Swarmlord can give his buffs in the shooting phase to himself? It just says a friendly unit within 24" and someone argued he is a friendly unit, I wouldn't do it though, just to not be contraversial.
The other Assault the Tyrant killed 1 Termy the gaunts didn't kill any and he took a wound off my Tyrant, both being Fearless no one really cared.
His Turn 2 I think Belial turned up but he was miles away and all the Terminator squads moved forward all the ones to my left were running to get into the fight for next turn.
Shooting phase was literally non-existant tbh. Assault saw 2 Terminator squads Assault my Swarmlord/some Gaunts and Raveners in a multi-assault thingy despite the fact I tried to block them off with careful massacre moves last turn it failed:p
So yeah Assault saw A sergeant challenge my Swarmlord and get raped, my Tyrant Guard killed a Terminator but then got hammered into the ground they all died basically The Swarmlord was protected from the Challenge though.
My Raveners got clobbered as did part of the 13 unit strong gaunt squad he charged too. The Tyrant near the ruined killed a Terminator but took 2 wounds in return and the gaunts in that combat didn't kill anything.
SO yeah it was just a bloody combat game lol, so now onto turn 3.
Turn 3
My Black Tervigon to my left couldn't escape the oncoming Terminators so just went for it to cause as much damage as possible and then go down I'd imagined. The other Tervigon created another 11 Gaunts and could still breed! woohoo!
Hallucination only rolled 1 this time, which doesn't affect Terminators, he did try Deny the Witch but kept failing btw. I gave the suicidal Tervigon to my left Warp speed to try and do as much damage before she died. She was on 4 wounds from Cyclone missiles earlier
The other did a bit of iron armage as did my Flyrant but they all only got Toughness 7 Unfortunately.
So yeah shooting maybe saw me take out maybe 2 Terminators I was starting to thin them down. Onto assault saw my Flyrant get smashed into the ground and him passing all his invulnerable saves and the Gaunts doing nothing, however thanks to the 18" Synapse of the Swarmlord they held the Terminators up for a bit there was 10 of them to keep them busy
The Swarmlord I believe took out about 1 or 2 Termies and they could only hit him once being WS9 Hammer Termies need 5's to hitm which is always nice The created 13 gaunts to my left surrounded the other termy unit they killed 1 of them, lost a few themselves but didnt care.
The 17 gaunts to my left were just wandering not really in range with anything yet. So the Tervigon that assaulted a Termy unit to my left killed 1 with Hammer of Wrath again He rolled 1 for crushing claws and got an extra 2 attacks from Warpspeed, he selected not to smash as he got to re-roll wounds being poisoned anyway, so he went in with 7 attacks even though I rolled bad, which is another nice trick I think he took out an extra 2 Termies which left 2 of them and they in turn caused 2 wounds leaving 2 wounds left on him.
Okay this began his Turn 3, Belial was approaching my objective near the back of the bunker but wasn't anywhere near yet thankfully.
Okay to recap he had a unit of Termies engaged on his side by a unit of gaunts. Half a unit of Termies was left against a Swarmlord and another was half on the Gaunts half on the Swarmlord to my left 2 were left in combat with the black Tervigon and another 1 behind it ready to assault the Tervigon and Belial with his approaching around the back and ofc one of them was dead. I understand this hard to follow but i'm trying my best here
So yeah assault saw some Termies kill some gaunts but not enough. My Swarmlord did get wounded last turn but this time round he passed his Invulnerable saves! Wooooh go Bonesabres! He twatted the remaining 2 from that unit I think another Terminator died from created gaunts, the ones that were co-engaged with the Swarmlord.
Now another unit Assaulted the Tervigon, the Tervigon killed a Terminator leaving one and then got hammered into the ground Poor thing it only wanted to play lol. Anyway yeah things were getting very bloody and intense which then brought my turn 4.
Turn 4
Hallucination returned watching 2 assault Terminators kill themselves from the big full unscathed unit to my left that killed the Tervigon
ANyway they couldn't be allowed to roam free so my other Tervigon was going to sacrifice itself to them.
So yeah more shooting all my guys killed maybe 1 Terminator I reckon! God they're so bloody tough! Annoying things
So Tervigon went in with Warpspeed too as both of them rolled for it which was nice, he went for the big unit I think he only killed one though and im pretty sure it got wounded a bit but didn't quite die:( . The Swarmlord missed all of his attacks, fortunately did he as well, the gaunts in the same combat killed no Termies this time though. The other non-created gaunts didnt do anything like 3 of them died.
Then his turn Belial eventually made it onto my objective so he was slowly coming round the back. He had like 3 Termies left from the Tervigons in 2 units another unit held in combat with the Swarmlord and gaunts and another held up with gaunts at the back of the near the ruin/his objective.
Anyway.....his other Termy units couldnt Assault anything. The one that was in melee with the non-created gaunts finished them off and moved near his objective and just sat there. The Swarmlord chewed away 1 or 2 Termies off the other unit and the gaunts did nothing but get hammered. Which then led to my Turn 5.
Turn 5
FInally my 17 gaunts were in position, this kinda reminds me of the Matrix where all those Sentinels over run the Walkers because they basically did tthat to the 2 remaining Terminator squads.
1 Gaunt squad assaulted one my non-created one that was hiding near the back near my table edge. My Zoanthropes and Hive Guard started shootinf at Belials unit but had no joy.
The Swarmlord killed maybe 1 Terminator leaving like 2 or 3 of them and they then finished off the created gaunts and the Swarmlord was as happy as larry locked in combat with them.
1 gaunt unit of 17 overunned 1 of the terminator units that killed my Tervigon killed them in Assault with 30 odd attacks and massacred onto the objective at his side to contest it with his Terminators and my other non-created gaunts took out the other lone Terminator which basically left Belial at the back of my deployment around the corner of the bunkier a unit of Termies on the Objective his side and 1 unti locked in with my Swarmlord.
All that happened in his turn He didnt want to Assault the Termy unit with the gaunts that were both contesting the objective. The Termies against the Swarmlord was a stalemate as he missed all of his attacks and then passed all of his invulnerable saves(Even with the Bonesabre re-roll) jammy git!
Belial popped his head around the corner and did nothing really and that finished at Turn 5.
Unfortunately we didn't have the time to continue, but we would of played on as I rolled a 6. So basically the objective on his side was contested. He had claimed the one in my deployment zone with Belials unit and the Swarmlord was locked in combat with like 2-3 Termies.
SO i'd lost by 3 VP's he had, 1 objective(3) and Linebreaker(1) and I had Firs blood(1) we did get mysterious objectives which was a SKyfire Nexus but it was useless at that point.
I think if the game had continuedthe Swarmlord woulda finished those Termies the gaunts and the other Termies would be locked in combat I would of shot like 17 shots and then charged with like 34 attacks so woulda hopefully killed them and took that objective and got my gaunts up there for Linebreaker too and mitigated Belial b running away and shooting him until the Swarmlord went to say hello
But yeah I might not of killed those Termies and he mighta passed alot of saved against the gaunts you never know.
All in all it was a very bloody game, a very enjoyable game!
and guess what guys? Here is a Batrep where Tyranids lose for you
Sorry there was no pictures and just a wall of text, hope you enjoyed it anyway.