Some thoughts about Psychic Choir
Post by horusii on Dec 13, 2012 20:35:56 GMT
Some Help with a Psychic Choir list...please let me know what you think...
1 The Swarmlord - rolling on Telepathy 1 Tyrant Guard Brood
21 Termagant Brood One unit of 10 one of 11
3 Tervigon nine rolls on Biomancy (2 Troop/1HQ)
4 Zoanthrope Brood 2 units on 2 all rolling on TK for OM and Crush or Telekine for the Carnifexs
2 Carnifex Twin linked Devs. (anti Air/toops)
Total Roster Cost: 1750
21 rolls on the Psychic charts! Thank goodness for my overpriced App!
Post by coredump on Dec 16, 2012 8:40:34 GMT
I think you should start a new thread for a new topic, instead of drudging up one several months old.
Other than that, welcome to The Hive.
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