Post by Edzilla on Apr 26, 2012 7:14:45 GMT
Unaviel had nearly drifted off to sleep at the helm when he remembered something important. He connected his helmet to the ships communication and then dialed in a long series of numbers. He attempted to connect but it failed. She either didn't wamt to respond or was dead, inside he felt a little worried but didn't show it on his face. He put his helmet back on and observed the navigation system, the ships location was ever changing, leaping whole parsecs every second. They were close. Most likely only one real day.
Post by Edzilla on Apr 29, 2012 18:35:16 GMT
Is namine unable to post or something?
Post by Esiphas on Apr 29, 2012 20:47:34 GMT
Dunno, thats who I'm waiting for.
Post by Edzilla on Apr 29, 2012 21:56:23 GMT
Ill pm her, id like to get this going again.
Post by Edzilla on Apr 30, 2012 7:22:00 GMT
Ooc-she said she's busy, and to get it going again while were gone. Alpharius would you please post again now?
Unaviel knocked Draelans door. "Its time to go, grab your things." He then stepped off the ship onto the large ledge of webway material. Before him, towering and menacing stood tzeenchs gate. It was unstable like the rest of his realm changing colour every millisecond ,glowing and pulsating. It pained him to look but he was going to have to get used to it, this was mellow in comparison of what was to come. On either side of the gate stood a herald, one blue and one pink, both standing on a disc, both had bird like features."So are you going to let us in or is there going to be some riddle bull****."Unaviel said defiantly. "We new you were coming,"they spoke in unison,"we welcome you to the endless maze." Unaviel turned to the others and said ,"in the likely event that we get split up, get out alive. Do not be tempted to go deeper into the maze." He then turned and walked calmly towards the gate, stopping just before he reached the ball of white light which was the entrance, he then drew his sword ,holding it behind him, and gripped tightly on his catapult. Then he ran and entered. On the other side there was only chaos.
Post by Esiphas on Apr 30, 2012 18:00:06 GMT
Draelan walked past the heralds wordlessly, his armour donned and weapons ready, following Unaviel. ''Now... there are... what, 9 gates? That lead to the centre safely right? So is that our path, or do we try a more confusing road?'' Jain walked up silently too, obviously a little nervous, having left Feliz's room (If Namine wants to do a bit of a chat between them, we can do a ''2 hours earlier'' thing.)
Post by Edzilla on May 1, 2012 7:10:27 GMT
The lord of change sat upon his fortress, staring out upon the maze like a vulture. He could see the group enter and began to draw them out. "It wouldn't be very interesting if they have each other to rely upon and then it would be far to easy for my brother gods to find them." He then scattered them sending them all around the maze.
------ Unaviel found himself falling down a dark deep hole. The sides looked the same but Unaviel could tell they were changing constantly. He hit the bottom, dropping his arm to absorb the impact. He saw red pulsating and changing every time he blinked.he began to read the book."It is hopeless to look for something only aimless wandering will get you anywhere." And so he began to walk, he would save the rest if it took him an eternity of this. Corners rounded at impossible angles, gravity was clearly not an issue here. Yet the whole time he wandered he could see eyes out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned, just the walls of the maze vibrantly changing colour. He began to read again, since direction didn't matter. The chapter was entitled "the great game" part of it was unreadable but he could make out some.
"The game takes place every 10000 terra years, each time the "kings" are gathered by a different method, by a different god. Khorne prefers to take them by brute force while Slaanesh lures his in by using loved ones against them. There are 5 competitors: Tzeentch the game master organises and hosts the competition but also takes part by trying to lure the kings to him. Slaanesh, khorne and nurgle all also take part as does Cegorach. After picking there king the gods must use there minions to capture or kill them...."
Unaviel stopped reading, some god, likely Khorne was looking for him. He drew his sword and readied his catapult, the blood god wasn't going to stop him now.
Post by Esiphas on May 1, 2012 7:35:10 GMT
Draelan Sighed as he found himself inexplicably within another part of the maze. Walking forward, he took a corner only to find a dead end. Turning around, there was no corner, but a straight road. Deciding to leap the cryatal wall, He turned to find a corner to the right. chuckling, he took it, and began following the path again.
Post by Yuno on May 1, 2012 17:12:16 GMT
2 hours before: Feliz gazed at Jain with fear for a moment before blinking and shuddering, "I am sorry..I saw things....things I did not wish to. " as Jain rose to leave he reached out with grace and speed only eldar had gripping her wrist somewhat hard, "please do not leave me...I do not want those visions to return." using his other hand he whiped sweat from his brow and rose to find a shirt. ................................. 2 hours later: Feliz charged into the maze head first with a shout, "My love I am coming for you!" he ran forward rounding corners with quick practiced steps as he found himself more and more lost and alone. ................................. As Sarina stood next to Tzeentch watching her friends and the rival God's adding their kings she was cold. "You do not appear happy my queen...What is wrong?" Sarina was grim although she smiled brightly, "They do not even realize that this maze is their life...that they run around like they know what they are doing...but truly they are lost." She flexed her new stone hand a audible crack sound echoing. "I see...you know this is why I do so love Solitaires...especially you my prized piece." she laughed horribley at him, "Soon I won't be yours...and soon one of the God's shall be no more because of me...you would be best warned to remember me fondly and smile upon me..." Tzeentch sneered at her cackling, "My dear..if you attain for me my crown I shall do much more than smile...now go...you amuse me too much." Sarina nodded as she jumped landing in the maze striding through it with ease and practice. For only she knew the maze and it's shapeless shape,. ................................. As Draelan paced forward looking about he came to a intersection that suddenly morphed into a woman's dressing room of high quality and style. He felt somethign was amiss as he suddenly felt lips against his ear and a tap on his shoulder, "I see you found your way here with little help." As he turned he saw a blink of light and then he saw the same sardonic grin and bright figure that had haunted him. "Miss me?" Sarina said chuckling as her hair swept to the side and he saw the opal stone that now functioned as her eye and the glowing ruined arm that replaced her hand. "I'm quite sorry for this." she said as he saw her raise her other hand the Harlequin's kiss on it as a blade of shimmering energy appeared in her golemns arm.
Post by Edzilla on May 1, 2012 18:50:24 GMT
As the solitaire landed in the maze the threat that had been stalking Draelan launched its attack. In a flash of colour that almost mirrored the maze they struck, surrounded the pair and began to attack, weapons like Draelans canon and Sarinas kiss lay in there hands, striking like harlequins would, but they weren't harlequins. A harlequin could never have attacked there own kind. These beings were the far more sinister and powerful. What seemed like a leader spoke with to the pair in a voice that hinted insanity ,"you have betrayed the laughing lord, we are the mocking ones, you must die." it aimed a swipe with what seemed like a pair of claws straight towards Sarinas good eye. These beings were faithful servants of the laughing god, none existent in the material realm. They were essence of cegorachs being.
----- Unaviel stood as the first indication of Khornes appearance came into sight. From all directions bloodletter came, hell blades glowing like the wielders eyes. Unaviel readied his battle stance and began firing. Well timed headshots, spreading the boiling black blood of the daemons all over the flashing walls. As Khorne exercised his power the room went dark, red flashed from the walls and floor. Now the daemons had closed the distance and Unaviel slashed and parried what felt like hundreds off blades at once. He turned ,hacking off a juggernaught head, crushing the jaw of a many headed hound beneath his boot. He fought like a warrior possessed, he may have been a warrior possessed for all the daemons knew. In his rage his powered began to flow,his speed and strength doubled, lightning flew from his blade. No matter their ferocity the daemons had no match. Realising he was a foe worthy of honourable combat the daemon stopped attacking and gave him space. Then the ground shook. A bloodthirster double its size in the mortal realm charged into combat. The 2 warriors fought at a barely visible speed, the axe came down in a wide arc and Unaviels blade of lightning parried it. Yet even though he could match it's speed and skill, it strength was could only be matched by another greater daemon. Unaviel jumped back unleashing a electric volley of shuriken. All of them hit the beasts iron hide but all fizzled into nothing. The bloodthirster then ,entangled unaviel in it's lash and prepared to deliver the coup de grace. As he saw the axe come towards him Unaviel could only think of his failure, of the debt he could never pay. Yet in a pillar of lightning he dissapered.
Post by Esiphas on May 1, 2012 21:27:33 GMT
2 hours earlier --- Jain blushed a little and stood still. ''Alright... I won't leave. Just... tell me everything. I can help you... let me see what you see. I can fight it with you...'' She was almost tottaly red in the face now. Feliz, for all his mystery, and the curses a Solitaire would put on someone uninvited... He was incredibly attractive. She stared into his eyes. ''Don't turn me away... please...'' She closed her eyes, then leant in slowly...
2 hours later --- Jain walked with a purpose through her own part of the maze. her axe was drawn, and she was ready for anything. using her Psychic senses, she followed a path which could not possibly lead to the palace. If she knew what she was doing, She would arrive there soon enough.
Draelan blocked the mocking ones blade with his power sword, the energy field shattering the claws as they contacted. ''Wait.'' he said, simply. ''You would attac a Solitaire? And a Death jster? No matter who they are? This is no joke, Mocking one. This is a Drama, not a comedy. Stand down.''
Post by hivetyrant103110 on May 1, 2012 21:58:59 GMT
ooc (Sooooooooooooo sorry!!! I had vacation and then my computer went down and then It would only display one webpage so I was having problems. But here I am eventually.)
(IC) Mergul had entered the maze amidst everybody else. He had sped off on his bike but always kept a watch back for his group until he rounded a corner and went to look back and they had disappeared. "Tzeentch's tricks." Mergul said with a curious yet soft voice. He knew he may never find his way out again but he would sure try. He powered ahead and rounded many corners but the labyrinth always changed on him. He began to come to the realization that he was utterly lost.
Post by Yuno on May 2, 2012 2:17:46 GMT
2 hours before- Feliz looked at her his handsome features studying her as she leaned forward and his hand reached to touch her chin. His green eyes seemed to envelope her as he grinned pulling her closer to him, "I give you permission to touch me" he said with a smile that somehow frightened and thrilled her. In that grin, and those few hours she found something she had been searching for....for a very long time. .................................
Sarina turned her attention from Draelan as the scenery morphed again around her to an arena like structure. Sarina grinned in expectation of the fight. The servants lunged at Draelan not heeding his words. He watched in slow motion as a blade swung towards his neck and suddenly he felt a jab of pressure at his heel that caused him to buckle downwards in what seemed to be a cart wheel but was far less graceful than that. It took him several seconds to realize what had happened as he fell he felt a hand grip his foot turning him to complete the cartwheel and he realized it was Sarina's golemn hand that had stopped him from losing his head as Sarina's kiss slammed into the servants mouth tearing it to shreds as Draelan became upright.
Sarina grinned at him and turned to the harlequins who had paused in awe of the movement Sarina had performed. She grinned at them mercilessly and bowed first to Draelan and then them. At that her heels clicked once and as her holofield activated and she began to dance, but it was not a dance meant for one person but two. Draelan realized she intended for him to be her partner.
"Tell Cegorach that he knows well I have not betrayed him. I am equally him as I am equally Slaanesh and Tzeentch. For my mind was made from Tzeentch's madness to be the perfect piece...and my body carved from Slaanesh's perfect beauty and deadliness. But to Cegorach I owe myself...for whether he knows it or not...I am still a Solitaire in every way...." She kicked swung her ethereal blade outwards rending one of the creatures heads from it's body with incredible speed and grace.
Post by Esiphas on May 2, 2012 5:51:49 GMT
2 hours before --- Jain smiled, slipping her arms around Feliz's neck, before kissing her full on th lips. Sensation ran through her body and she pressed out with her telepathy, so Feliz could feel as she felt- and she could fdel his feelings too, Sharimg both partys emotions as theirvlips met.
Now --- Draelan almost laughed as he bowed back, and hd struck.up his side of the dance he was supposed to be preforming. He aslo began to sing the apropriaye song in his deep, charismatic voive, Eldritch words coming out in tune. Catching sarinas eye, he tried to see if she approoved.
Post by Edzilla on May 2, 2012 7:58:33 GMT
OOC-warning the following is officially none canon
Unaviel found himself in a realm of cloud. All was white, the walls floor and ceiling. A massive contrast to the maze. Aldorei sat opposite him. A voice filled his head, "be calm, you are safe." Unaviel answered without moving his lips, "the others what of them." "They are still in the maze, doomed." At that Unaviel saw them Feliz screaming as he went in circles around the maze even though the path he followed was straight, Jains thoughts said she new where she was going, but she was about to meet up with Feliz, both the kings of Slaanesh. Nurgle was ready to flood Mergul's path with daemons of disease. Sarina and Draelan fighting side by side against daemon that would never cease. Unaviel realised the hopelessness of It all, Sarina new her way but she was never going to win the game. Unaviel felt by far the most powerful emotion he ever felt. In all his years of anger he had never felt it this strong. "Send me back." "They are doomed, there is nothing you can do." "By not sending me, I will die anyway." He drew out a shuriken and held it to his jugular. "Your last follower will die, you will cease to exist. I understand now God of lightning." At that very moment something happened inside of him, the seal of his power was released. His eyes before green turned blue. 3 lightning bolts joining together at the pupil. He was sent back.
Jain and Feliz couldn't see each other but they were in same place. Each fell into a endless pool of water, coming up to waist height. Out of the water a herald rose. Beautiful as usual, jains was male, Felizs female. Each gave the same request,"follow medown, forget all you used to know and love, and be with the one you desire for the rest of eternity." Its voice was mesmerising, what Aldorei had experienced paled in comparison.
Mergul, solitary like Unaviel, was alone. Yet the corridor he was in widened to 10 times it previous size. The entrance disappeared. From prin pick holes in the ceiling, they poured, nurglings,plague flies, plague bearers and a great unclean one. Like a tide of pus and disease they rushed towards him. All of them carried the disease that sent Isha, god of the harvest in to a month long coma. The death plague, Mergul would have to fly a chase that would almost inevitably result in his death, should he slow for even a moment ------ The 2 harlequins battled, for every daemon they killed another came forth. One with a great scythe spoke again."You seem to devote yourself to the one who holds you captive and then betray them when you have escaped. We will end this, no mercy." A pillar of lightning shot down from between the 2 and Unaviel appeared in the middle, throwing Sarina her book he shouted over the endless howling of the mocking ones,"find something powerful in there." He blade stormed, shuriken of lightning frying daemons left right and centre.