FINALLY!!! My Tyrannofex! (very pic heavy)
Post by biomega on Oct 1, 2010 20:27:26 GMT
Post by Grythic on Oct 1, 2010 20:32:29 GMT
Wow, its just so... monstrous. There are so many thing I love about this model, great job!
Post by Deathnid on Oct 1, 2010 22:38:16 GMT
omg that ROCKS i've never seen a tfex so... big and t fexy brilliant job
Post by robomummy on Oct 2, 2010 0:17:14 GMT
I love the massive claws on it
Post by Talonis on Oct 2, 2010 0:54:12 GMT
Excellent work! Ive never seen a Tfex like that! Kinda reminds me of that creature from Spawn....
Post by theregistater on Oct 2, 2010 1:46:47 GMT
freaking amazing love it!
Post by salamut2202 on Oct 2, 2010 1:50:11 GMT
i haven't had a eyegasm for a while. you sir have made my day.
Post by Nightstalker on Oct 2, 2010 2:07:37 GMT
MUST SEE PAINTED.....MUST SEE PAINTED.... that model rocks sooooooooo hardcore.
Post by Helonion on Oct 2, 2010 3:00:11 GMT
From the front is looks very nice, deadly, terrifying. From the back it looks as if something is missing on the arms and legs, it looks less threatening.
Post by jundswarmmaster on Oct 2, 2010 3:10:39 GMT
i haven't had a eyegasm for a while. you sir have made my day. Agreed! Most superb!
Post by biomega on Oct 2, 2010 5:09:10 GMT
Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the positive feedback! This guy has been a real project. For a while I just had this sort of partially-assembled head and body and a chopped up tail, and the legs took forever.
The legs were definitely the hardest part. The only thing I knew when I started on him was that I wanted him to stand upright like a dinosaur. Everything else fell into place after that. The tail was murder, though. All the arms and legs were basically made from venom cannons with green stuff around them. The only other parts I used as skeletal structure were sawed off barbed stranglers for his feet.
I don't really care about whether he gets cover saves or whatnot, considering I'd probably run him with venomthropes as backup along with other MCs, so the size wasn't an issue for me. The bigger, the better.
The front arms were inspired by the idea that I had while working on my Swarmlord that the Trygon headplates could be used as gauntlets. The claws pretty much came directly from the Tyrant in the Resident Evil games. I wanted them to just look vicious and sort of malformed, with the first fingers being huge and the last digits being little bitty hormagaunt claws ( I intend to make the little teeny tiny claws visible on the finished model).
The gun just sort of came from what I thought the weapon's fluff and stat profile could be represented by. Also by adding the devourer parts on the chamber I could take him with either the cannon or the borer nest.
If anyone wants to use this guy as a template you are more than welcome to do so. I would really be honored. Just remember, have patience, because you have to wait for a lot of green stuff to dry.
Also, Helonion, thanks for the constructive crit, I agree that he might need a little something in the back... although, you can't really expect him to be that dangerous from behind. He's big enough that he could turn around before you have a chance to flank him. Also I wouldn't want to get in the way of that tail...
Post by Moontyranid on Oct 2, 2010 8:21:58 GMT
Post by Moontyranid on Oct 2, 2010 8:27:19 GMT
how manny trygons/mawloc`s and other mc`s are in there? but still
Post by Moontyranid on Oct 2, 2010 8:30:01 GMT
tell me when he is painted.
Post by Helonion on Oct 2, 2010 9:01:24 GMT
cmrini, the back makes it look like a Spore creation.
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